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Comparative Research On Blue And White Porcelain From The Official And Folk Kiln In The Early Period Of Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2013-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J HanFull Text:PDF
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This paper takes the features of modeling, material and ornamentation of the Blueand White Porcelain of the official and folk kiln in early Ming Dynasty as the researchobject and analyzes the fact that the cultural characteristics of the early Ming Dynastycausing different people’s aesthetic styles and affecting the features of modeling,materials and ornamentations of the Blue and White Porcelain from the official and folkkiln in this period.A feature of Chinese traditional aesthetics is “favor of blue”, therefore, the Blue andWhite Porcelain is deeply loved by people. The official kiln was started in HongWuPeriod of Ming Dynasty, and the classy materials were all dominated by the governmentand all the productions of the official kiln had to follow the government’s ornamentationand seemed much more regular, so that the Blue and White Porcelain from the officialkiln of this period embodied a much higher level, both in their material qualities andartistic qualities. But those from the folk kiln differed greatly and seemed much plainer.The styles of the Blue and White Porcelain were much different between the officialkiln and the folk kiln in the early stage of Ming Dynasty, especially in YongXuan Period,which was the golden age in the history of Blue and White Porcelain. The officialporcelain was influenced by West Asian culture and religious culture and we could seethose influences through the modeling and ornamentations. And there were also manyones styled in Chinese traditional culture. The porcelain from the folk kiln was mainlydaily-use items and the ornamentations were also those popular patterns and that wasaffected by the official kiln till XuanDe Period and then Bohemian style and religiousstyle came up.This paper will provide people with further insight into the Blue and WhitePorcelain in the early Ming Dynasty through the discussion and have certain guidingsignificance for the future researchers.
Keywords/Search Tags:The early Ming Dynasty, the official kiln, the folk kiln, Blue andWhite Porcelain, comparison
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