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Use "otpae Five-step Training Method" To Improve Students' Ability To Solve The Problem Of Practical Research

Posted on:2013-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Now,the secondary vocational schools are from the traditional“tools of a type of education” to the trend of the developmenteducation. To train the core competencies of the employees hasbecome the trend.Ability to solve the problem is a very important occupation corecapabilities to controll the development of the problem, the use ofavailable resources to solve the problem and put into practice, makeadjustments and improvements."OTPAE " five-step training is a training program organized by ChinasLabor and Social Security Professional Center as a “core professionaltraining”, I learn the method according to training courses for theactual evolvement, then apply the method into teaching in the courseof “information technology”. The knowledge and skills of theinformation technology are used as the carrier, from the microperspective to explore professional students’ ability to solve theproblem of training methods and appraisal target system, to look for aneffective way to solve the problem.This practice of this study suggests that “the OTPAE five-step trainingmethod”based on the concept of action can help students improvethe study interest and to promote the students’ knowledge, skills andability to solve the problem, its research on the subject of InformationTechnology and other subjects has value of practice to train thestudents’ professional training.
Keywords/Search Tags:professional capacity, core capabilities to settle theissue, the OTPAE five-step training method, action guidance method
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