Industrial structure adjustment is an inevitable requirement of economicdevelopment. Industrial restructuring process is the process of economic resourcescontinues to optimize the allocation. Optimize the allocation of resources is thebasic functions of financial. To build a support industrial restructuring of thefinancial system, which meet the requirements of modern market economy, is amajor issue in the current economic construction and reform and hot area ofresearch topics of the domestic economy. In an efficient financial system andindustrial development system, with the capital formation, capital-oriented,financial innovation, capital accumulation and risk management mechanisms, thefinancial impact of industry supply and demand of funds and the allocation ofproduction factors, thereby affecting the adjustment of industrial structure. Theevolution of the Adjustment of Industrial Structure and financial supportinfluencing factors of Guangxi analysis showed that, in the financial markets, theamount of direct financing proportion is less than normal, this bank’s indirectfinancing is still the major financing channels. The country’s financial policiesplayed an important impact on adjustment of industrial structure of Guangxi. thesmall scale foreign investment funds support a limited role in Guangxi’s adjustment of industrial structure. The empirical analysis shows Guangxi totalfinancial size and the industrial structure optimization rate presence long-term,balanced and stable relationship. The basis of financial development in Guangxi isweak. The role of financial financing structures and financial conversion efficiencyin the adjustment of industrial structure needs further elaboration. In the newperiod of strategic opportunities, Financial need provide comprehensive,multi-level, efficient support in the adjustment of industrial structure of Guangxi.We have to establish the guiding ideology and clear the objectives of financialsupport for the Adjustment of Industrial Structure. To build the financial system tosupport adjustment of industrial structure via deepen financial reform, improvingthe efficiency of commercial banking, developing policy-oriented financial,developing direct financing market, improving the efficiency of credit allocation offunds, nurturing the venture capital market, improving the financial andinvestment environment, attracting external funding, promote the economy ofGuangxi with healthy and rapid developing. |