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A Study On Computer-aided Translation

Posted on:2014-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401465694Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Machine translation has gone through decades of development and improvement.Various machine translation applications have been widely applied. Although MT bringsusers a lot of benefits, the quality of MT is doubted and blamed. With the process ofglobalization, translation has developed into a booming industry. Nowadays, theconcept of computer-aided translation has won global attention due to its advantages inproductivity, increasing translating accuracy, and terms consistency. In order to improvetranslation quality and efficiency, computer-aided translation is on the rise in terms ofusers. CAT applications are especially welcomed in EST translation because of thetranslation memory technology, which is quite efficient in dealing with repeatedcontents.Hereby the author proposes the following questions. First, whether the applicationof CAT tools can achieve terms translation consistency in EST translation? Second, atwhat range of match rate can CAT applications excel MT in translation quality? Aresearch has been conducted toward the two questions. In the research, Wordfast isadopted as a CAT application. The study focuses on two aspects of CAT: technical termsand translation errors. In the study, machine translation applications are used forcomparison to prove the efficiency of CAT in terminology management. To understandthe usage of TM in EST translation, match rate and relevant data are collected foranalytical study.Through the study and analysis, the author has proved the advantages of CAT indealing with EST texts. Through comparison, the author has found that CATapplications are more helpful and efficient in dealing with terms repetition than machinetranslation tools such as Google Translate and Youdao. CAT can help translatorsmaintain consistent and high-quality translation for technical terms with the assistanceof terminology bank. Through a detailed analysis on TM match rate, it is found thatCAT tools are especially efficient and helpful in EST translation. At the same time,some problems of TM match rate are revealed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Machine Translation, computer-aided translation, EST, translation memory, match rate
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