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The Research Of The Supply Of Public Sevices In China Urban Community

Posted on:2013-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425460520Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The community is the foundation o f the modern city,as the basic unit o f modernsociety,the community affects the benign operation and coordinated developme nt ofthe who le society, and re lates to the vita l interests of each community res ident. As animportant conte nt of co mmunity construction, community p ublic service reflects theresults of community construction directly, and it is an important factor that affectsthe constraction o f a socia list harmo nious society. In recent years, with theadministrative syste m re form, the Chinese governme nt pay more and more attentionto the socia l community work, so that the community public service has gotten rapiddeve lopme nt and has obtained muc h successful experie nce. But in this way we stillhave a long way to go. There are still existing many proble ms about the supply ofpublic services in the community, such as the supply subject is not vario us and thespecia lization, profess iona lization leve l of it is not high, the supply syste m is notperfect, the s upply mode is s ingle a nd obsolete, the information co mmunicationmecha nis m between the community residents’ committees and residents is not perfect,the performance eva luation mecha nis m and the supervis io n mecha nis m are not perfect,the lack of fund ing sources for the supply of pub lic services, and the residentsparticipation le vel is low. These proble ms led to a number of conseque nces, such asthe imba lance between supply and demand in community public service, seriousshortage of effective community supp ly and residents'satis faction is low. This paperdiscussed three reasons for these proble ms, such as the undound administrativesystem, the e mphas is on GDP growth, the imperfect releva nt lega l syste m. Thedeve loped countries ha ve experie nced a long period of socia l re form, and ha ve fo nd asuitable community public service supply mode l for their own develop ment in theprecip itation o f time, and also have accumulated muc h successful experie nce to beused for reference. For instance, the United States of America autono my ofcommunity pub lic service supply mode, the Singapore governme nt dominant mode ofsupply, the United Kingdom' take care of co mmunity service. Comb ining thesuccessful experie nce of fore ign countries with China’s basic nationa l conditions,aiming at the issues of community p ublic service s upply, the article o fferred someconstructive opinio ns fro m the fo llowing aspects: reshape the government’s publicservice supply concept, co mpose a diversified supply subject, transform the functionof go vernment, rationa lize the relations hip between the gove mment a nd the other supply subject, establis h a governme nt-led diversified modes of supp ly, perfect a llkinds of supply mechanism in the public service supply process and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:community, the supply of public services, the supply mechanism
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