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Research On Restoration Of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’s Ecological System

Posted on:2015-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428962700Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’s special geographical location, topographicaland geological features, climatic conditions and other factors determinethe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’s highly fragile ecological environment. Inaddition to the overgrazing of the pasture, deforestation, reclamation ofwetlands, the development of heavy industry, the extensive developmentof tourism, all these overload type of economic development exacerbatedthe vulnerability of ecological environment in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Allthe factors mentioned above highlighted Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’secological problems. Faced with an increasingly deterioration ofecological environment, the problem of ecological restoration ofQinghai-Tibet Plateau is imminent. Therefore, it is extremely important,practical and significant to explore an ecological restoration path toQinghai-Tibet Plateau scientifically and effectively and restore itsecologicaleffects.In this thesis, I build an assessment index system of ecologicalenvironment vulnerability of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. I also analyze thereasons that result in the fragile ecological environment of Qinghai-TibetPlateau and the extent of the fragile ecological environment of the sixprovinces in the region of it from the static perspective. Besides, I prove the gradual deepening trend of eco-environmental vulnerability in theregion from a dynamic point of view objectively. Moreover, I analyze theintertwined situation of its ecological and economic situationscientifically. After considering all the factors, I come up with thelow-carbon strategy to restore the ecological environment of the plateau.To restore the ecological environment of the plateau by increasing carbonsequestration, improving energy efficiency, increasing profits andoptimizing the industrial structure. Finally, I come to the conclusion thatthe ecological restoration of the Tibetan Plateau can achieve theimprovement from the economic, social and ecological these threeaspects in the local area, and ultimately the influence will expand to otherregions in the plateau through the anticipation of the effects oflow-carbonecologicalrestoration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, ecological vulnerability, ecologicalgovernance, low-carbonstrategy
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