With the development of Chinese society, more and more foreigners have been interested inChina. They started from different perspectives to study Chinese language, culture, religion, andso on. The translation material of this report is a paper written by Donald S. Sutton who is ahistorian in Carnegie Mellon University. Starting from Chinese poems and other literary works,Donald S. Sutton discussed a case of literati piety: the Ma Yuan cult from High-Tang toHigh-Qing. The paper was published in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)in1989. Through the search on the Internet and in the library, the author didn’t find anytranslation version in the open publication and electronic texts. This paper is very valuable,because it provides a lot of references for the people who study Chinese folk belief and theworship of Ma Yuan. Therefore, it is very important to translate this paper.This translation practice report is divided into four parts. The first part is a generalintroduction to the translation materials, including the content of the source text. The second partfocuses on the process of this translation practice, which mainly includes the preparation, thetranslation and text proofreading. The third part is the analysis of specific cases of the translation.The author analyses the translation cases of the paper heading, the position title, the conversionof word class and long sentences. The author mostly uses the translation strategies of followingthe original sequence and reformulating the sentence structures. The fourth part is a conclusionof this report which includes the major problems existed in this translation and a summary of thistranslation practice.Through this translation practice, the author deeply realized the great efforts the translatorsneed to exert. Nowadays, the translators should not only have good computer skills, but alsohave a good command of encyclopedic knowledge, which will be handy for translation, andmakes twice the result with half the effort. |