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A Report On The Translation Of Home Of George Saunders

Posted on:2015-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P J WangFull Text:PDF
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As a part of the literature, short stories have drawn more and more attentions ofthe majority literature lovers in the21st century today. With the rapid development ofChina’s social economy and the improvement of people’s material living standards,there is an increasing demand for spiritual products, which can not only enrich theliterature market, but also can provide the excellent literary works in different stylesfor domestic readers. It can expand the horizons of Chinese readers and help themunderstand the western literature and western modernism writer’s writing style. ToChinese writers, it can help them to learn from the artistic style of contemporaryforeign writers. As a postgraduate student of MTI major (Master of Translation andInterpretation), the translation practice helps me understand and find the real problemsin the process of translating, deepen the understanding of each link in the process oftranslation, improve my translation ability and enhance the ability of writing practicereport.This is a translation report for the short story “Home”, which was written by thefamous modern American novelist George Saunders. Based on the translation of theshort story “Home”, this report mainly describes the preparatory and revision oftranslation. Some of the problems encountered are listed and related translationstrategies and methods are rendered. Translation experiences are summarized togetherwith points for further improvements.The report is made up of three chapters. Chapter One is a introduction of thetranslation project. Chapter Two is the introduction to the source text, preparationsand the description of the translation process, including analysis made to the sourcetext and translation methods adopted. Chapter Three summarizes reflections on thetranslation and suggestions for future improvements.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation of short story, case analysis, translation strategies, translation skills and methods, foreignzing translation anddomesticating translation
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