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Research On The Construction Of The Prison Basic Level Party Organization In The New Period

Posted on:2016-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Q ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330479450359Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
What makes the structure, function and running modes of the jail primary partyorganization different from other primary party organization is the characteristic of jailimprovement. Besides, jail’s comparatively independence and closure also make its primaryparty organization face more special difficulties. All this shows that there exist specialregulation of construction of jail primary party organization. Improving the study about jailprimary party organization and sizing this special regulation are important to strengthen theconstruction and power of jail primary party organization.Nowadays, academic circles have little studies about “the construction of jail primaryparty organization”. In order to understand deeply and entirely situation of the constructionof jail primary party organization and explore a more effective constructive method, theauthor set the jail primary party organization of Hubei province Hongshan District as anexample. Based on research and example study, the author thought systematically and triedto figure out an effective way to develop the construction of jail primary party organization.Jail is the place to educate and remold prisoners and the essential defense whichmaintain the dignity of law and social justice as well. Therefore, it is obligatory for jail andits stuff to maintain a high level of law enforcement capacity and political consciousness.This practical need demands a better construction of jail primary party organization, whichattach important meanings to such study:1. Social meaning: As an office of execution of punishment, jail is important to socialstable and harmonious society construction. The construction and development of jailprimary party organization is needed by our society.2. Meaning to regulate execution of punishment: It will be helpful to strengthen jail’sworking performance and efficiency as well as the whole system level.3. Meaning to combat corruption and uphold integrity: As an agent with the specialfunction to remold the prisoner, jail must construct a powerful shield against corruptionwith party organization and its members’ advancement to compress any room to emergecorruption.Starting from the functionary need of jail, this article fully discusses what significantrole the construction of jail primary party organization has played in the jail daily. Thisarticle can be divided into three parts: the realistic problems and its reasons of theconstruction of jail primary party organization(the third charter); strengtheningconstruction of the primary three forms organization is the essential path to fulfill theconstruction of jail primary party organization(the forth charter); specific measures toimprove the construction of jail primary party organization(the fifth charter). The authordescribes his own constructive opinion from various perspectives such as system forming,running mode and social needs, all of which has enlightened the construction of jailprimary party organization.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary party organization, Three party organization, Jail Three party
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