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The Research Into Villagers Willingness And Behavior With Regards To Self-Autonomy

Posted on:2017-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LuoFull Text:PDF
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Villagers’ autonomy is a great system which created by Chinese farmers in the long-term social practice.It is also the most basic social management system in rural areas at the same time.Since the 1990 s, villager autonomy system is to implement open slowly in rural China. With the deepening of economic and social development, villager autonomy system has been recognized by the majority of farmers, which is deeply rooted in the vast land of China’s rural areas.There is no doubt, after decades of development, this villager autonomy grassroots autonomous form of governance emerged effect, but it is heartening.However, with the implementation of tax reform and the benefits of agricultural policies, the power of the main village facing a severe test, coupled with the continuous influx of young rural city, the lack of participation of villagers’ autonomy principal function restricts the autonomy of villagers play.Therefore, the study of the farmers involved in villager autonomy should be attention.Based on survey data research group in 58 villages in five provinces, understanding of farmers and villagers’ autonomy cognitive evaluation, discusses the selection bias willingness of farmers to participate in villagers’ autonomy and behavior, finally, four aspects of socio-economic status, political efficacy, trust autonomous organization of farmers and villagers general confidence factors affecting farmers ’willingness to participate in villagers’ autonomy and behavior of the empirical analysis.The main conclusions of the study are as follows:First, the behavior of farmers’ participation lags villager autonomy willingness of farmers to participate in villager autonomy.Most farmers expressed their willingness to participate in villagers’ autonomy, however, the actual proportion of farmers involved in villager autonomy is very low.In addition, the current situation of farmers involved in autonomous organization can not be optimistic.Most farmers do not participate in any rural social organization.Second, factors in farmers ’participation in terms of willingness to villagers’ autonomy, the basic characteristics of the individual, socio-economic status, political efficacy, trust in the autonomous organization of farmers are promoted to the willingness of farmers to participate in villager autonomy. Specifically, male, held management positions in the countryside, the stronger the political efficacy, the more trust for autonomous organization have stronger willingness of farmers to participate in villagers’ autonomy.Third, the factors affecting farmers ’participation in villagers’ autonomy behavior aspects, the basic characteristics of the individual, socio-economic status, political efficacy, trust in the autonomous organization of farmers for farmers to participate in villagers’ autonomy and the general confidence have a positive role in promoting.Specifically, male, older, party political affiliation, the stronger the political efficacy, autonomous organization of villagers instrumental evaluation of the higher quality and the higher the level of general confidence of farmers to participate more actively villagers’ autonomy.Integrated farmer participatory factors villagers’ autonomy and behavior and willingness to come to the conclusion, this paper presents the following recommendations : First, we must diversify the rural informal organizations, to enhance the degree of organization of farmers.The Second is to greatly enhance the credibility of the autonomous organization.Third, we must strive to improve their moral quality of village cadres.The fourth is to strengthen the social integrity education.
Keywords/Search Tags:villager autonomy, political participation, political trust, general confidence, willingness to participate
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