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The Explore Of Primary Science Teaching Aids Based On The Innovative Idea

Posted on:2017-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y MengFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the innovation of education concept, the traditional elementary science curriculums undergoing changes.Nowadays, under the guidance of new curriculum concept,Primary school science curriculum is no longer just focus on studying textbook knowledge, and traditional lecture teaching are replaced by exploratory teaching gradually, which can be depicted as "doing science, playing science". Scientific teaching aids, in classroom activities, which were used as a visual demonstration of scientific phenomena is an important tool to stimulate students’ interest and innovation desire.This paper studies theses about the science of teaching aids on the status of primary production at home and abroad. First of all, the science teachers from 10 primary schools of seven provinces were investigated through questionnaires, and those results were analyzed and showed the status quo of manufacturing and using of teaching aids. Secondly, from a comprehensive overview of four areas which are scientific teaching aids produced from innovative ideas, types, significance and basic principles, the primary scientific teaching aids can divided into six categories which are experimental equipment class teaching aids, aids specimen,model aids, aids flipchart, multimedia teaching aids, combination aids.In addition, from a comprehensive perspective of three views, this paper has interpreted the question about what is the innovation. And according to local conditions and individualized, the paper summarized the significance of primary scientific teaching aids as promoting professional development of teachers, initiating the students’ sense of scientific innovation. Further more, the paper proposed four principle of producing teaching aids such as conforming to the cognitive features of pupils,meeting the needs of teaching elementary school science, absorbing the forefront of the latest scientific and technological achievements, in line with economic, convenient, innovation requires. Moreover, according to the above theory, the paper designed six teaching aids which are the Big Dipper model, the specimen of butterfly through immersion method, water cycle demonstration instrument, changes in substance(sugar heater), the multimedia animation on the causes of four reasons, the multimedia courseware on taking care of animals and plants. After that, the paper analyzed the innovation of the aids, and the paper combined the theory with concrete examples. Finally, the paper summarized the primary scientific teaching aids production considerations.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary school science, scientific teaching aids, manufacture of teaching aids, innovation in manufacture
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