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Dispositional Optimism, Social Support And Self-Esteem’s Influence On Subjective Well-being Of Secondary Vocational School Students

Posted on:2016-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PengFull Text:PDF
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As a secondary vocational school student of a new mode of vocational school education in our country, there are a lot of differences between middle school students and vocational school students. Last century, the detection and correction of mental illness as a negative psychological study are very popular. In this period, most researchers focused on negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, neuroticism and forcing. With the increasing productivity level and people’s material need, people’s happiness level does not jump accordingly. Therefore, people start to concentrate on alleviating pressure, enrich inner world and pursue happiness. Placing man into a center place, they began to favor pleasant feelings, such as satisfactions, happiness and hope, so positive psychology was to emerge. Subjective well-being plays an important role in positive psychology and it became a major in mental health research. Individual’s subjective well-being is affected by both internal and external factors. Dispositional optimism, social support and self-esteem are important factors influencing subjective well-being.In this paper, Optimism and Pessimism Scale(OPS), Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS), Self-Esteem Scale(SES) and Subjective Well-being Scale(SWB) were used on 1121 students of second vocational schools of six cities in Hunan province. Students’age is from 13 to 18. Among these students, there are 524 male students and 597 female students. Class were used the class as a unit for group test. The results show that:1, The subjective well-being standard of students of second vocational schools is at a medium level. Their positive emotions are more than negative emotions.2, The subjective well-being of different genders, ages, one child and non-only-one child, different economic levels, parents’marital status, students from different areas and students’ subjective economic status are different. From a gender perspective, female students’ life satisfaction was significantly higher than that of male students and male students’ negative emotions were significantly higher than those of female students. For different ages, there are no obvious difference between higher grade’s students and lower grade students’subjective well-being. From the point of view of non-only-one child, the life satisfaction and positive emotions of only one child are much higher than those of non-only-one child. For different economic earnings, the life satisfaction and positive emotions of students of better economic earnings are significantly higher than those of students of worse economic earnings. From parents’marital status perspective, there is little significance in life satisfaction among them, but students from stable family marital status can experience more positive emotions and less negative emotions. For different subjective economic status, students who have higher subjective economic status can experience more life satisfaction and positive emotions.3, There is a significance among optimistic personality, social support, self-esteem and subjective well-being. Optimism and pessimism in optimistic personality are significant predictors of life satisfaction, positive emotions and negative emotions. Optimistic students have higher life satisfaction, more positive emotions and less negative emotions. Pessimistic students have lower life satisfaction, less positive emotions and more negative emotions. Students who get more social support have higher life satisfaction, more positive emotions and less negative emotions. Self-esteem can significantly predict subjective well-being. Students who have high self-esteem levels have higher life satisfaction, more positive emotions and less negative emotions. Social support and self-esteem are mediating factors between optimistic personality and subjective well-being;Based on the above findings, there are some suggestions on how to improve students’ subjective well-being.1, Strengthen optimistic personality education of students of secondary vocational school and shape optimistic personality.2, Cultivate all kinds of hobbies and interests and actively improve interpersonal relations and social relations.3, The enhancement of students’subjective well-being needs multi-force participation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students of secondary vocational school, Subjective well-being, Dispositional optimism, Social support, Self-esteem
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