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Research On Enterprise Energy Saving And Emission Reduction Mechanism And Efficiency Evaluation Based On DEA

Posted on:2012-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452961708Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the sustained, rapid social and economic development,theconsumption of resources is increasing sharply,the industrial pollution hasgone from bad to worse, and ecological environment gets worse. Industrialenterprises both in terms of resource consumption and in terms of pollutantemissions in all the important responsibility bear great responsibilities.Therefore the implementation of energy conservation and pollution reductionefforts in industries is an important means of the comprehensiveimplementation of the Theory of Scienctific Development and the guarantee ofbuilding a resource thrift and environment friendly society.The internal energysaving and emission reduction mechanism is the most essential business, theessence,core and the source of power of the energy conservation andpollution reduction efforts in industries. By focusing on the construction andimprovement of the internal energy conservation mechanism to guide andregulate the energy saving work to improve the overall core competitiveness.Firstly this paper described the enterprise and efficiency evaluation ofenergy saving mechanisms and significance of the background, summarizesthe status of the field study, and data envelopment analysis (DEA) of the theoryand application. Secondly build the energy saving and emission reductionmechanism and efficiency evaluation model.It evaluates the enterprise energysaving and emission reduction mechanism and efficiency from both qualitativeand quantitative point of view, including energy saving mechanism system forenterprise survey and the completeness of the efficiency of energy savingenterprises DEA analysis. The paper combined the "system evaluation" andthe "outcome evaluation" to achieve "system optimization and efficiency."Building the ESERME—EM consists of three content:the index system ofenergy saving mechanisms for enterprises, enterprises of energy savingefficiency index, DEA model for efficiency. This is a qualitative analysis toquantitative evaluation of the evolutionary process, in which the establishment of mechanisms for system and select the appropriate indicators of efficiency,the key indicators to build the DEA evaluation index is the key. This paperproceeding from the reality, combining with the mechanisms, divided theefficiency evaluation of enterprise energy saving and emission reductionmechanism iinto three parts: energy efficiency, environmental (quality)efficiency and pollution control efficiency.The construction of the DEA evaluation model, introduced the fuzzycomparison weights and the entropy constraint, considered the objectivedata,subjective decision-making and environmental information and so on, inorder to rationalize the evaluation process. End of text By the instance analysisfrom the macro and micro aspects, achieve evaluating energy efficiency ofindustrial enterprises in Fujian provinces overall and one brew house’sefficiency of the mechanism.Used the objective data to analyze themechanism of evaluation of the DEA model, and backtracked mechanismsystem to propose the establishment of the mechanism for enterprise energysaving and emission reduction.
Keywords/Search Tags:the enterprise energy saving and emission reduction mechanismand efficiency, ESERME-EM, DEA, fuzzy comparison weights, entropyconstraint
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