Since the new China was founded in60years, especially in the30years of Reformand Opening, Shenyang Equipment Manufacturing Industry obtains attract achievement.It formed industrial system with complete range, large scale and technical level. Theeconomy has leapt to the forefront of the China. It has become the important force topromote economic growth. Shenyang is the national heavy industry base which wasestablished in the stage of ‘11thfive-year plan’ and ‘12thfive-year plan’. The city isknown as the Chinese industrial equipment department, which takes the importantmission in the great historical process of the comprehensive construction of Republic ofChina, irreplaceable. As the earliest industrial base of China, the construction anddevelopment of years in Shenyang has formed a complete range of industrial system ofequipment manufacturing industry at present.Since the implementation of the strategy of revitalizing northeast China, Shenyangmunicipal Party Committee and Shenyang Government continuously regards theEquipment Manufacturing Industry as significant strategic task to revitalize the oldindustrial base, so that Shenyang Equipment Manufacturing Industry becomes itseconomic backbone and well developed. The total economy is rapid promoted and thequality of growth is continuously improved. The technology innovation system focusingon companies had been established. The pace of merger and reorganization ofenterprises is accelerated. Equipment manufacturing industry group was established.Therefore, the research and analysis to the transformation and upgrading path ofShenyang Equipment Manufacturing Industry has the far-reaching significance todevelop it.The thesis analyzes the domestic and overseas the achievement, current problemsand development trend of equipment manufacturing industry. It studies the currentdomestic and overseas transformation path and put forward the path selection andimplementation methods for the transformation and upgrading path of Shenyangequipment manufacturing industry. The thesis has seven parts. The first part isintroduction, which introduces the background and purpose, study contents and methods. The second part respectively introduces the domestic and overseas currentdevelopment of equipment manufacturing industry. The third part analyzes thedomestic and overseas transformation and upgrading path. The fourth part mainlyanalyzes the current situation of Shenyang equipment manufacturing industry. Thefifth part is the selection of this action of Shenyang and the sixth part isimplementation of these paths. The last part is conclusion. |