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A Comparative Study Of Neolithic Burial Customs In Liaoxi Region

Posted on:2018-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Study of gravesis always an extremely important part of archaeological researchesbecause of the social changes and transformation affect the social funeral system and funeral ideas,which was also reflected through the pattern of graves,funerary objects and burial custom.Up to now,the research on the Neolithic graves in Liaoxi Region was mostly conducted for singel Archaeological culture,without considerate integrately.Therefore,the purpose of this paper is to make a comprehensive summary of the excavated Neolithic graves in Liaoxi Region with the distribution,characteristics and customs studied,in order to enrich the contents of Neolithic archaeological culture in Liaoxi Region.This paper include 4 parts as follows:Chapter 1:Introduction.First of all,it gives a clear definition of the range of the Liaoxi Region,and makes a review of the archaeology of the Neolithic in the region.Secondly,this paper introduces the reason of choosing the topic and summarizes the research achievements of the Neolithic Age in Liaoxi Region.Chapter 2:The Regional Division of Tombs in Liaoxi Region.According to the differences of geological structure and climatic characteristics,this paper divides Liaoxi Region into four sub-regions,This chapter mainly summarizes the graves found in each sub-region.Chapter 3:Comparetive the study on cultures in Liaoxi Region from the burial customs of the various sub-regions.In this chapter,we will compare the graves of the various sub-regions to analyze the remains of the Neolithic tombs in Liaoxi Region by the early and late relationship of the archaeological culture.Chapter 4:Conclusion.On the basis of the previous research,this chapter summarizes the main points of this paper,so that we have a more comprehensive understanding of the Neolithic burial customs in Liaoxi Region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liaoxi Region, Neolithic, Comparative Study, Burial Custom
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