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Research On Predicament And Countermeasures Of The Citizen Participation In Community Governance

Posted on:2018-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515455565Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban community is an indispensable part of city society.With the reform of our country’s politics and economy constantly being deepen and the process of urbanization accelerating,urban community is increasingly playing an important role in social development and modern construction.As the basic unit of city community,play a role more and more important,with the change of the social structure of city and city population increasing,urban resident population has increased from 170 million in 1978 to 771 million in 2015,some of the original management system can not meet the increasingly changing demand,although the government still plays a leading role in the management,but with the awareness of citizen participation improved,more citizens and other social organizations to participate in community.In the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee,the party’s first formal use of "social governance" perspective,but also to enter the public view and the scope of research.In this kind of thinking and fundamental policy guidance,in order to better serve the public,to improve the quality of life of the people of various places to strengthen the grassroots democratic political construction actively,explore a different way of community governance.Community governance calls for citizen participation,citizen participation in community governance is the location of the target,is the fundamental method of community autonomy;and citizen participation in community development and construction optimization of multi governance,accelerate the realization of new pattern is of great significance to the construction of democracy in China.This article is based on the investigation of ShanDan community of Hohhot community survey and interviews,combing the status of ShanDan community citizens to participate in community governance,to find out the dilemma of citizen participation in community governance such as citizen participation in community governance still exist in the level of participation is not high,to participate in community governance,limited participation in community governance has certain self and community work,influence citizen participation in community governance effect of many difficulties,and the causes of these difficulties are analyzed,thus improving the citizen participation in community governance countermeasures and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community governance, Citizen Participation, Predicaments, Countermeasures, Pluralistic governance
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