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Study On The Mechanism Of Residents' Participation In Community Governance

Posted on:2018-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330536970714Subject:Community Service Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The center of community governance is the multi-stakeholder and public participation,emphasizing that government,citizens and social organizations through the participation in consultation and common implementation of community public affairs management.Residents' participation is the meaning of community governance.In the past,the study has made a descriptive analysis of the status quo of residents 'participation in community governance from an empirical point of view,and clarified the lack of participation of residents as status-less counterparts,emphasizing the importance of residents' participation.But can't be excessive correction,that all the community affairs should be the residents as the dominant force,to participate in the management of the community.Heterogeneous characteristics of the residents involved in community governance,its participation in the sense of participation and participation in the ability to participate in the way to participate in the results are limited,the community ecological environment to give birth to the type of governance and governance of the main body of governance has a specific responsibility.In other words,community affairs have a pre ference for participation in the subject,but this preference is not to remove the function of other governance subjects,but by a governance subject will be more efficient or effective,more to promote community development.Whether residents make decisio ns about whether to participate in community affairs begins with the perceived need for participation in community affairs,and the choice of residents' participation in community affairs depends on the community's social capital stock and past experience.If we want to keep residents 'participation in community governance,we need to make efforts to strengthen the dynamic mechanism,improve the participation mechanism,improve the coordination mechanism of multiple subjects,and establish the residents' supervision and feedback mechanism.Through the interviews and interviews with relevant personnel,the residents 'participation mechanism was examined by the community events in a district of Zhengzhou C ity due to the shortage of parking spaces.The residents' participation in the affairs was affected by the above factors.Concerned about the problem of parking spaces are resolved,the original settlement of the problem arising from the residents of the group,there is no homeopathic form of normal participat ion mechanism or supervision mechanism.This aspect shows that the residents involved in community affairs because of the lack of preference for the main function,in the preferences of the main body to assume its due responsibilities,the role of resident s to participate in the auxiliary supervision,on the other hand,residents to participate in normalization,but also need to cultivate the main management support.It is found that the definition of the positive nature of the participant's participation is still to be optimized.In order to maintain the sustainability of the residents,in addition to strengthening the above-mentioned mechanisms,we need to maintain the consensus spirit and risk responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:residents' participation, community governance, multi-governance, effective participation
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