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Research On The Development Path Of China’s Smart Government From The Perspective Of Holistic Governance

Posted on:2018-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330539475651Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the development of a new generation of information network communication technology,which revolved around the big data,internet of things,cloud computing.The word of "smart" has penetrated into every aspect of our daily lives.From the smart earth to smart country to smart city to smart community,the great convenience that the intelligence brings people can be seen everywhere.With the wave of smart,the construction of smart government has been on the agenda.Compared with electronic government,which has departmental protectionism,the information island problem because of administrative fragmentation.Smart government from the perspective of the integrity,through the coordination and integration of the government departments,breaking the shortcomings of electronic government,realizing the integral operation of the government and reconstructing a transparent,responsible,responsive,efficient and comprehensive government model.From the electronic government to smart government reflect the awakening of governmental service consciousness and the return of publicity.But the lack of systematic theoretical guidance has always been an important issue in the construction of smart government.As a new stage of Governance Theory,Holistic governance theory is a strategic response to the problem of fragmentation,which correspond to smart government in technology carrier,value orientation,long term vision.In this paper,through the introduction of holistic governance theory,which provide a theoretical guidance for the construction of smart government to change the state of smart government construction which heavy practice than theory.There are six parts of the paper.The first part is the introduction,which describes the background and significance of this topic,related research review,research ideas and methods,as well as the innovation and shortcomings.The second part is to sort out the concept and connotation of smart government and holistic governance.It focuses on the main features of smart government and the governance mechanism of holistic governance.Then I analyze the correspondence of the holistic governance and the smart government.The third part reviews the development history of smart government,forecasts the future development trend of smart government,summarizes the characterization of practical fragments in process of e-government construction and analyzes the reasons of practical fragments.The fourth part illustrates the practical experience of the Singapore,Australia,South Korea and Zhejiang Province in the construction of smart government,to clear enlightenment and reference for ourconstruction of smart government.The fifth part discusses the path choice of Chinese the construction of smart government under the guidance of the holistic governance theory.I analyze the path support of the construction of smart government from four aspects: concept,technology,organizational structure and public participation.The last chapter explores the systematic reflection from the angle of crisises in the construction of smart government.As a new theory holistic governance theory can not be perfect,but to some extent,it provides direction for the construction of smart government.
Keywords/Search Tags:smart government, holistic governance, coordination, integration
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