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Study On The Choice Of Recycling Mode Of Waste Household Appliances Based On Producer

Posted on:2017-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330503996384Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the environmental problems have become increasingly prominent,increasing pressure on scarce resources, the establishment of the state of many relevant laws and regulations. But in China at the present stage, due to technical, cost,income and other various factors influence, most of the electronic electric appliance manufacturers do not want to independent home appliance recycling industry and trade, make the waste electrical and electronic equipment recycling results are unsatisfactory. So this paper mainly from the manufacturer of, by encouraging and supervision home appliance manufacturers take the initiative to home appliance recycling, from the source to solve the waste of resources and environmental issues.This paper uses the analytic hierarchy process, influencing factors of implementing recycling electrical appliances manufacturers(recycling profit, cost recovery, financial subsidies, environmental benefits) are analyzed, and to explore the relationship between the factors. Then, by means of evolutionary game theory,restricting the role of four major factors considered, constructing the government,home appliance recovery of manufacturers by way of the Internet, the home appliance recycling manufacturers game model, through the traditional way and the government,producers(manufacturers and recovery through the Internet through traditional recycling manufacturers) three party game model, residents, revealed in the different model parameters, select the optimal recovery mode manufacturers, at the same time Study on the recycling of waste electrical current situation of China’s government,offer suggestions residents decisions.The results show that the return of profit, cost recovery, financial subsidies,environmental benefits of the four factors are mutual influence and restrict each other.Producers consider recycling profit, cost recovery and other variables, will choose the Internet for recycling. Secondly, in the government, home appliance recycling manufacturers through the Internet, the home appliance recycling manufacturer of game model through the traditional way, the production cost and profit recovery in the chamber of Commerce, mainly under the influence of financial subsidies, choose to participate in the recovery of traditional recovery methods. Finally, the government,producer(through the Internet and through the traditional way of recycling manufacturers recycling manufacturers), residents of three party game model,producers and residents tend to choose the traditional appliance recycling.
Keywords/Search Tags:Producer, Recycling model, Game model, Reverse supply China, Waste household appliances
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