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Research On Wechat Marketing Strategy Of Shenzhen Tobacco Under The Background Of Mobile Internet

Posted on:2018-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330533958465Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the tobacco industry reform and the continuous development of market economy,in the long-term monopoly system and the imperfect competition,Chinese tobacco commercial enterprises is relatively closed,facing the dual pressure from tobacco monopoly system reform and market competition.At the same time,with the "World Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" resulting in greater pressure on tobacco control,and the most stringent tobacco control regulat ions in Shenzhen,all of the increasingly severe tobacco control environment,and the external pressure of public opinion make Shenzhen Tobacco Company has encountered unprecedented challenges.WeChat as a new Internet applications for enterprises to spread their own brands to provide a good platform,but also gradually accepted by modern and rapid development.In this paper,the domestic and foreign SNS related theoretical frontier and other marketing theories and practice of progress,this topic on the domestic and international research status are described.This paper analyzes the subject by using literature research method,case study method,comparative analysis method and so on.This paper outlines the situat ion of Shenzhen Tobacco Company,and gives the key data of six years’ operation.Through PEST,the external environment is analyzed.From the aspect of products and services,marketing channels and 12 th Five-Year Enterprise Strategy results analysis of the internal management of the status quo,made the context of mobile Internet marketing strategy diagnosis and strategic diagnosis analysis,diagnosed the relevant issues,and introduced the WeChat marketing in Shenzhen tobacco and tobacco industry application progress.In order to diagnose the problem,this paper puts forward the marketing strategies and guiding principles,the design and implementat ion of the micro-marketing system,and puts forward the conception of constructing Shenzhen Tobacco Mobile Eco-circle.Tobacco commercial cigarette micro-marketing can be in the platform construction,full-t ime operation team operations,in the existing marketing process based on the part of the WeChat marketing process and the formation of system documentation and KPI assessment and improve the four aspects of the use of security measures to provide micro-public operation Protection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tobacco company, C igarette marketing, SNS marketing, Wechat marketing
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