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An Interpreting Report Of Londoners

Posted on:2018-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330515495785Subject:Translation Master English Interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Canadian journalist Craig Taylor interviewed with several respondents,which is selected to be the object of this interpretation practice report.The respondents come from different countries and have different occupations.The conversation mainly focuses on their thoughts and feelings about this city.The author elaborately selects five segments of interviews as the material of this practice.The material comes from the audio book of Craig Taylor’s interview.This practice report mainly involves five parts: introduction,task description,interpreting process,case analysis and conclusion.The first part briefly introduces this interpreting practice,including the general background.In the second part,the task description offers the introduction of the interpreting materials and the task.The third part depicts the preparation before the interpreting,interpreting process and evaluation.It includes the collection of interviewer’s background information,materials on interview program,related equipment preparation information,quality control,note screenshots and so on.The author also makes a detailed explanation on Interpretive Theory(comprehension,deverbalization,expression).The fourth part analyzes examples with translation theory and techniques.The fifth part summarizes the solved problems and achievements,unsolved problems and implication for future study.
Keywords/Search Tags:interview interpretation, consecutive interpreting, Interpretive Theory, interpreting techniques
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