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A Study On The English Translation Of Fortress Besieged From The Perspective Of Eco-Translatology

Posted on:2017-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330572478020Subject:Research on Modern Application Language of Agricultural Science and Technology Organization and Service
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Language is a carrier of culture and a mirror of unique national culture.Literary works,an art of language,shapes artistic images by language and reflects the social and cultural life of a nation and its regions.The translation of literature works is a significant part of international cultural exchange.Good literature translation is an inevitable course to achievements in spreading and promoting the Chinese literature.Qian Zhongshu is one of the most well-known novelists in the 20th century in China.His work Fortress Besieged,written between 1944 and 1946,has been translated into English,French,Japanese,Germany and Russian and enjoy'ed great popularity all over the world since 1960s.The English version of Fortress Besieged is a co-work by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K.Mao.Jeanne Kelly translated the book and Nathan K.Mao revised the translation.Prof.Hu Gengshen applied Darwin's theory of evolution into translation studies.His proposal of the Theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection has become the theoretical basis of Eco-translatology,which,centered on translators,is a new interpretation of the nature,the process and the criterion of translation.Prof.Hu Gengshen furthered his studies to prove the feasibility of this theory,resulting in its development and completion.According to Prof.Hu Gengshen,eco-translatology is an ecology-oriented translation research or that in ecological perspective.It is proposed in eco-translatology that translation activities are carried out in an overall translational eco-environment.Eco-translatology gives an interpretation of the translation process,the relationship between the translator and the translational eco-environment,and the translator's living environment and the development of the translator competence from an eco-translation perspective.On the framework of eco-translatology,this thesis presents an introduction of the source text,the author,the target text,the translator and the translational eco-environment,and then gives an analysis of the translator's adaptation and selection of the translational eco-environment from three dimensions,i.e.,the linguistic dimension,the cultural dimension and the communicative dimension.This thesis,applying the three-dimension approach into the analysis of the English translation of Fortress Besieged,is aimed to display the influence of the translational eco-environment over the translator's adaptation and selection in his translation practice,and thereby prove the feasibility and adaptability of the translator-centered eco-translatology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eco-translatology, Fortress Besieged, the English version of Fortress Besieged, adaptation and selection
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