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Error Analysis Of "是……的" Sentences And Its Teaching Suggestions From American CET Kunming Students

Posted on:2019-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330548975702Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a special sentence pattern,the rate of “是……的” sentence’s error from L2 learners is always high,due to its complicate structures and multiple semantic meanings.Firstly this Paper expounds the error types of this sentence structure,and then dig the reasons of each types of errors based on the defination above,and separately give the advices and suggestions on“是……的”sentences learning and teaching for L2 students.The first chapter from description of “why” the topic choosing,content,ways and steps,literature review of “Shi” sentences study and what is called “ 是 …… 的 ”sentence.It lays a foundation for the following analysis.The second part take CET Kunming 2017 for example,pointing out error types and reasons of “ 是 …… 的 ” sentences and gives an analysis separately according its classification.What’s more,this part gives a dividually analisis for the special types.The third part mainly gives my advices and suggestions for CET program based on the analysis above.The forth part draws a conclusion about this whole Paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:“是……的”sentence, classified study, error analysis, teaching advises, L2 teaching
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