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A Study Of Effective Cohesion Between Town Government Function Changes And Villagers' Autonomy In China

Posted on:2017-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330485475890Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Township government is our government administrative system in the most basic administrative organ,located five Power system most tip,is an important channel connecting the government and the masses,the government decrees the necessary safeguards.Township government administration refers to township people's government according to the provisions of the Constitution,public affairs within the jurisdiction of the implementation of management.Villagers Autonomy Committee of the villagers self-management,self-education,self-service grass-roots mass self-organization.Villagers' Autonomy is the villagers do things according to the law,for their own affairs and realize their own management.Township Government in the administration in how to manage the process of how the villagers autonomous self-government,both how to effectively carry out the convergence of state administration is a vital link in the development chain.Yongding County township achieved between the administration and the villagers'autonomy effective convergence able to resolve contradictions and conflicts Yongding County township and villager autonomy between Yongding County township government to improve the efficiency of the administrative villages and work,it is possible to improve the villagers' political Yongding County participation,to promote Yongding County area to accelerate the construction of new socialist countryside,which has a very important practical significance for the future development of Yongding County building.This article topics positioned Yongding County township administration and effective convergence of Villagers' Autonomy.From the perspective of Yongding County rural grassroots governance point of view,within the scope of Yongding County township government administration and villagers' autonomy effective convergence study the issue.Paper is divided into four parts:The first part is an introduction status quo,mainly on domestic and international research,study this issue and the reality of theoretical significance.The second part of Yongding County township administrative status of villagers' autonomy and convergence analysis.The third part is the demonstration program Yongding County township administration and effective convergence of villagers' autonomy.The fourth part is the suggestions Yongding County township administration and effective convergence of villagers' autonomy.According to the author of this article township government in four years of practical experience,research and specific measures path Yongding County township administration and effective convergence of villagers 'autonomy,in order to achieve the realization of the township administration and the villagers' autonomy effective convergence of a good situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:township government, administration, villager autonomy, convergence
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