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Research On Research On The Problem Of Providing For The Elderly In Empty Nest In China

Posted on:2020-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D C PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330590462656Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the advancement of the urbanization process,the elderly children in rural areas have entered the towns in large numbers,which has made the phenomenon of empty nesting of rural elderly more and more serious.The problem of old-age care for empty nesters in rural areas has become increasingly prominent.At present,China is in a critical period of reform and opening up.It is imperative to solve the problem of the existence of the elderly in the rural empty nests in China.The empty nesters in rural areas are the main group of China's socialist modernization construction and an indispensable force for realizing the Chinese nation's great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.Today,in the rural areas,empty nesters are increasingly pursuing a better life.There is still a large gap between the status quo of pensions for the elderly in the empty nests in rural areas and the status of old-age pensions for urban empty-nest elderly.The imbalance of old-age pension resources among rural empty nesters in different regions still exists.As a vulnerable group of rural empty-nest elderly people,the whole society should attach great importance to the issue of pensions for empty nesters in rural areas,so that rural empty nesters can share the fruits of reform and development and feel comfortable living in their later years.Based on this,through the questionnaires and field visits,as well as expert consultation,in the case of mastering first-hand data,collecting the latest data and the latest theoretical results,combined with the actual situation of rural empty nest elderly care,explore the problem of rural empty nest elderly pension The crux of the problem is to propose a path suitable for solving the challenge of old-age care for the elderly in the empty nest.On this basis,the paper has completed the writing of the thesis,in order to enrich the content of old-age care for the elderly in rural China,and provide reference and reference for the coordinated development and further research of the elderly in the empty nest.This paper is divided into four parts:The first part,the introduction.This paper mainly analyzes the background,purpose,significance and research status of the topic at home and abroad.On this basis,it further explores the key points,difficulties,innovations and basic methods of the thesis,and provides a feasibility study for the writing of the thesis.It also laid a solid foundation for the further development of the paper.The second part is an overview of the research on the elderly in the empty nest in rural areas.Firstly,the concept of rural empty-nest elderly,pension problem and ruralrevitalization strategy is defined.Secondly,it discusses the theoretical basis of rural empty-nest elderly pension,mainly from Marx,Engels and Lenin's theory of endowment security,Mao Zedong's theory of endowment insurance.Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao,and Xi Jinping's theory of endowment insurance draw nutrients,which provides theoretical support for the completion of this thesis.Finally,it discusses the importance and necessity of the research on the elderly in rural empty nests in China,and points out the further study of rural empty nesters.Directions and prospects have found the value and meaning of research.The third part is the current situation,problems and causes of the elderly in the rural empty nest in China.Through questionnaires,field visits and data collection,this paper systematically analyzes the current status quo,problems and causes of the existence of elderly people in rural empty nests in China.The questionnaire survey mainly analyzes the status quo of the empty nesters in rural areas and the status quo of the elderly in the empty nests in rural areas.Based on the analysis of the current situation and the existing data,the paper summarizes the five problems existing in the rural elderly in China.That is,the economic security is not in place,the old-age security mechanism is not perfect,the physical and mental health is not optimistic,the pension infrastructure is imperfect,and the awareness of security and the rule of law is weak.Under the guidance of the problem,the reasons for the existence of the problem at the national,social,family and group levels are provided,which provides a basis for further exploring the current path of the elderly in rural China.The fourth part is the construction path of the elderly in the rural empty nests in China.Through the analysis of questionnaires and data,under the guidance of the status quo,problems and causes of empty nesters in rural areas,the economic security of the empty nesters in the rural areas,the improvement of the old-age security system,the care of the physical and mental health,the improvement of the old-age infrastructure and the construction of the security rule of law environment Five aspects of research,and then explore the path suitable for the elderly in China's rural empty nest,and promote the orderly and healthy development of the elderly in China's rural empty nest.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural areas, empty nesters, pension
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