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On The Perfection Of Owner Committee Autonomy

Posted on:2021-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L DingFull Text:PDF
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With the development of urban construction,the number of communities in the city is increasing.Communities are the link between residents and the basic unit of urban construction and management.The role of communities is becoming increasingly significant.The goal of modern community governance is to effectively mobilize community resources,coordinate community management,establish full autonomy,and coordinate the relationship between community autonomy and administrative management through effective community governance.In community governance,owners,owners' committees,property service companies,residents' committees,and administrative authorities play different roles as different roles.Among them,the owners' committee has the characteristics of autonomy,centralized power,and non-profit,and it is to protect the rights of owners.And owners are the most direct way to participate in community governance.The research on the owner committee and owner committee autonomy has the value of enhancing the owner's autonomy and developing community governance.Under this research purpose,the thesis first discusses the concept of community,and specifically locates the community referred to in the dissertation as an urban commercial housing residential area,and determines the full-text research scope.Secondly,it explains the professional concepts involved in the research process and the logical relationship between these concepts,such as what is community governance,the logical relationship between community governance,community autonomy,and social governance;what is owner committee autonomy,owner committee autonomy The logical relationship between the autonomy of the residents committee and the residents' committee is used to clarify the logical context of the thesis and define the content and status of the autonomy of the owner's committee.The essence of owner's committee autonomy is owner's autonomy,which is the process by which the owner's committee handles public affairs in the community on behalf of the owner to protect the owner's rights.Owner committee autonomy and residents committee autonomy together form community autonomy.Owner committee autonomy and residents committee,grass-roots government,property service enterprises and other subjects together form the community governance.Subsequently,through the analysis and summary of data and charts,it was found thatthe number and growth rate of property disputes in the community have been among the best in the past five years,and the number of disputes such as administrative registration has also ranked among the top five in the past five years.Analyzing the reasons for the massive growth of these problems,it is found that the development of the self-governing ability of the owner committee in community governance lags behind the development of other governance forces in community governance,and the legal relationship between the owner committee and other community governance subjects such as residents committees and property service companies is chaotic.Therefore,in the new period,it is imperative to improve the autonomy of the owners' committee and strengthen the capacity of community governance.Owner committee autonomy plays an indispensable role in community governance.Owner participation in community governance through owner committee autonomy can increase the level of owner participation in community governance and stimulate the initiative of owner participation.The nature of owner committee autonomy makes the owner committee In the settlement of disputes related to real estate services,it has advantages that residents committees and grass-roots governments cannot match.The realization of the autonomy effect of the owner committee can also promote the role of other community governance subjects and the realization of community governance goals.The thesis analyzes the internal and external problems of owners' committee autonomy from the perspective of law,and summarizes the current five aspects of owners' committee autonomy: first,the legal status is unclear;second,the owners' meeting cannot form an effective decision;third It is the low level of participation of the owners in the autonomy of the owners' committee;the fourth is the lack of a perfect pre-prevention and mediation mechanism for property disputes;the fifth is the conflict between the autonomy of the owners' committee and the government's management.As for how to solve the problems existing in the autonomy of the owners' committee,on the basis of comparative analysis of foreign community governance practices,the paper puts forward suggestions to improve the autonomy of the owner's committee based on the current status of the owner's committee's autonomy in combination with my country's political system and social system.In view of the problems in the autonomy of the owners' committee in China,we can improve the relevant laws of the owners' committee,clarify the legal nature and litigation status of the owners' committee;strengthen the owners' committee's governance capacity;increase residents' participation in the establishment of public opinion expression mechanisms;and establish property dispute handling and mediation mechanisms;Establishing a benign interaction between the autonomy of the owners' committee and government management to improve the autonomy of the owners' committee.
Keywords/Search Tags:Owners committee, Owner committee autonomy, Community governance
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