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Research On The Talent Gathering Level Of High And New Tehchnology Industry In Liaoning

Posted on:2019-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330545454796Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Science and technology are primary productive forces.Science and technology and creative ability have become important evaluation standards for competition in various countries,and high-tech industry talents are the key to determining technological innovation capabilities.Since the 20 th century,high-tech industries have developed rapidly,and industries and talents such as the Silicon Valley of the United States and Beijing Zhongguancun have emerged as examples.In recent years,the state has continuously increased its investment in high-tech industries,bringing together industrial agglomerations to attract talents and promoting the development of high-tech industries.As an old industrial base,Liaoning has not performed well in the country’s high-tech industry.This article studies the talent concentration of high-tech industries in Liaoning Province.The first part is introduction.Firstly,it introduces the research background and significance of the topic.Secondly,it gives the domestic and foreign related research summaries.Thirdly,it introduces the research content and research methods of this paper.At last,it puts forward the innovations and deficiencies.The second part analyzes the status quo of the high-tech industry in Liaoning Province and the status quo and problems of high-tech industry talent concentration,which will pave the way for the calculation of the subsequent model and the proposal.The third part is model construction.The number of high-tech talents with explicit full-time equivalents of research and development personnel is taken as the number of hi-tech talents in the universities.With the aid of location-entropy,a tool for measuring industrial agglomeration,a comprehensive location entropy was constructed,which reflected,to some extent,the concentration of high-tech industry talents in Liaoning.Comparing with other key provinces,the main reasons for the low concentration of high-tech talent in Liaoning,lack of talents,and outflows are analyzed.In the fourth part,three factors which influence the concentration of talents in the high-tech industry are selected: economic factors,quality of life,and social security.Measured indicators are selected and related factors are used to analyze the influencing factors of high-tech industry talent concentration.The last part summarizes the full text,lists the successful cases of high-tech industrial talents gathered in key provinces and cities in China,and puts forward suggestions and suggestions for high-tech industry talents concentration in Liaoning Province.We will intensify policy support and capital input to promote talent concentration through industrial agglomeration and promote the rapid development of high-tech industries in Liaoning Province.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-tech talents, Talent gathering, Comprehensive, Location entrop
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