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Study On The Selection And Application Of Illustrations In American History Textbook

Posted on:2019-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330548472404Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an indispensable part of history textbooks,Illustration plays an irreplaceable role in writing and teaching of history textbook.In this paper,World History:Patterns of Interaction,an American history textbook,is used as the research text,and six units of this textbook are selected as the research object to provide illustrations for data statistics and analysis.In order to provide useful reference for the selection and application of illustrations in domestic history textbooks,the illustrations of American textbooks are studied from various aspects based on the data statistics and analysis of those sellected units’ illustration,such as the selection features of illustrations,the cooperation of graphic and text,and the application of pictures.First,this article enumerates and statistics the illustrations of American textbooks,and based on the analysis of enumerating and statistics,the author finds that American textbooks have some distinctive features in the selection of illustrations:First,the quantity of illustrations is sufficient and the layout area is reasonable.Second,the variety of illustrations is extremely extensive.Third,different kinds of illustrations are choosed for different purposes.Fourth,the selection and type setting of illustrations are very scientific.Fifth,Paying attention to the function of illustrations for the beautification of textbook.In contrast to the domestic history textbook,the author also finds that in order to prevent illustrations from being "dead graph" and make better use of the function of illustration to transport historical information,prevent.The American textbooks pay more attention to deal with the relationship of its illustrations and words.In addition,American history textbooks also pay attention to utilize illustrations to cultivate students’capabilities,such as the ability to interpret illustrations correctly,to extract,induce and interpret information,to Setting up the view of time and space in the process of learning history.This paper studies the selection and application of illustrations in American history textbook,which aims to absorb the advantages of American history textbooks and make a modest contribution to the compilation of domestic history textbooks.
Keywords/Search Tags:American history textbook World History:Patterns of Interaction, Illustration of history textbook Characteristics of selection, Analysis of Application, Enlightenment for compilation
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