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Population Aging And Subjective Well–being

Posted on:2019-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330566995289Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economic,aging became a worldwide phenomenon and has an important impact on social stability.In recent years,the development of Chinese economic has slowed down,and at the same time accompanied by rapid population aging.The aging population posed great challenges to the country’s economic development,social stability and fiscal balance.In response,many countries take the extension of retirement age,expanding investment in education for the elderly to deal with the problem of aging.However,the aging also brings about an opportunity for economic development.The huge market for the elderly is a blue ocean in the future economic development and is expected to make some contribution to economic development.Research on subjective well-being can test the accuracy of economic policies and supplement new ones to guide the formulation of policies.To understand the extent to which aging affects residents ’subjective well-being,we can assess the current policies and guide how to cope with the serious aging crisis China is facing under the minimum loss of residents’ subjective sense of happiness.This paper uses the data of CGSS to analyze the effect of population aging on subjective well-being.The results show that although the deepening of population aging significantly reduces the happiness,the more the elderly population in the family,the higher the happiness of residents.The negative impact of population aging on residents’ happiness declines with the rise of per capital family income.Basic medical care and pension insurance can significantly reduce the negative effect of aging on subjective well-being.The effect of aging on Subjective well-being is different between urban and rural areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Happiness, Aging, Family elderly population, Basic medical and pension insurance
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