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Research On The Production And Application Of High School Biology Experiment Micro-Course

Posted on:2020-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z HeFull Text:PDF
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The 2017 New High School Biology Curriculum Standard(2017 Edition)requires high school biology teaching to cultivate innovative talents with innovative thinking.The important way to meet this requirement is the biological exper iment class.However,there is still a certain gap between the state and the ideal of the biological experiment class in China,and the effect needs to be improved.In recent years,information technology and education systems have been intermingled,and the new teaching resources of micro-courses have emerged.In this thesis,we selected four observational experiments in the compulsory revision of the PEP,including: "Observing the distribution of DNA and RNA in cells","Observing mitochondria and chloroplasts with high power microscope","Observing the dehydration and water absorption of plant cells","Observing the mitos is of apical mer istem cells." A micro-course that meets the high school biology experiment course is produced and used in classroom teaching to conduct practical research on the production and application of micro-curriculum.The research methods of this thesis include literature analysis method,questionnaire survey method and classroom practice method.The subjects of the study were two classes with insignif icant differences in the first year of the internship school,which were used as control classes and experimental classes.First,read the domestic and foreign literature,understand the research status of the micro-curriculum,and investigate the establishment of the experimental class in the internship school and the attitude of the teachers and students on the micro-course,and understand the feasibility of using the micro-course for experimental teaching.Secondly,using Wancai animation master and love editing software,a complete micro-course is produced and applied to the experimental class for teaching.The control class uses the traditional experimental teaching method."Observing the distribution of DNA and RNA in cells" and "Observing the loss of water and water in plant cells" exper iment,observing the fluency of students during the experiment,the enthusiasm for answering questions,the time of concentration in the classroom,and making records Table,in order to analyze the effect of micro-course experiments."Using high power microscope to observe mitochondria and chloroplasts" and "Observing mitosis of apical meristem cells" experiment,using classroom test to test students’ mastery of difficult and difficult experimental points and mastery of theoretical knowledge related to experiments,and finally score by small test To analyze the experimental results of the micro-course.Get the results of the study: Classes that use micro-courses to teach,(1)students speak more positively,and their curiosity is stronger;(2)the experimental operation process is more fluent;(3)the classroom listening time is longer;(4)Mastering the experimental principles and related theoretical knowledge is more solid.Finally,the study draws the following conclusions:(1)Micro-course experimental teaching can reduce the repetition of teachers’ work and improve teaching efficiency;(2)Micro-curriculum can cultivate students’ self-learning ability;(3)Micro-curriculum can promote teachers’ Professional development;(4)Micro-curriculum can promote educational equity.The shortcomings of this thesis are:(1)video production technology needs to be improved,(2)the micro-course teaching model needs deeper innovation,and(3)the micro-course use effect should pursue a diversified evaluation method.Micro-courses can stimulate students’ interest in learning and bring convenience to experimental learning.However,experimental classes are a practical lesson that cannot be separated from practical operations.Micro-courses should be used to learn experiments efficiently,not for convenience.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school biology, Experimental micro-course, Production and application
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