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Determinanats Of Euducation Quality In Public Universities In Afghanistan:An Empirical Study From Students Perspective

Posted on:2020-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L J a l i l i A b d u l Full Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590974323Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study aims to explore whether there is a relationship between academic staff,management system,learning resources,method of teaching,method of assessing student and education quality as an empirical study from student prospective of Kabul public universities,Afghanistan.An empirical analysis measured by the Liker scale(five-point scales)to achieve this purpose.Based on the framework,the hypothesis constructed to investigate the perspective of Kabul public universities students about education quality.The quantitative method used for this study.The questionnaires used as the research instrument for the research.The survey was a handout to non-randomly those who were willing to respondent in the study.Totally,there are 212 respondents,which 126 are female and 86 are male.Descriptive statistics used to understand the characteristics of the demographic of the sample,and the Gamma test used for hypothesis testing.Gamma association test approved that the variables of academic staff and management system have a very strong positives relationship between education quality.The PRE-predicted that an increase in academic staff and management system also be increasing in education quality,implying that the qualification of academic staff and management system have the most impact on education quality.The Gamma association test approached that the variables of learning resources and the method of teaching have a moderate relationship between education quality.The PRE-indicated that increasing learning resources and method of teaching have a moderate effect on education quality.Lastly the association between the method of assessing student and education quality recognized that there is a weak relationship between the method of assessing student and education quality.The study suggested that successfully of implementation of quality assurance process in Afghanistan is contingent on: establishment of quality perspective wherein higher education institutions,engagement of stakeholders including academic staff,university management system,students' feedback,institutions,and related administration,who must be internalized QA process among of their institutions are improving the education quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality, Higher education quality, Quality assurance
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