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Research On The Path Of Precision Pov Erty Alleviatio Poverty Alleviation In P Atriotic Village Under The Mode Of Soc Ial Pianning

Posted on:2021-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330623985043Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the perspective of social planning model,this study start s with the causes of poverty in Patriotic Village and explores the path of "precision poverty alleviation".Based on the analysis of the changin g process of population,transportation,education and enterprise,the m ain causes of poverty in Patriotic Village are that "withdrawing the town ship and town" neglects the status of the transportation center of Patri otic Village,hinders the development of Patriotic Village,and leads to t he serious loss of population,transportation marginalization,educational resources and rural enterprises.Poverty.Combining with the specific content of "precision poverty allevi ation" in patriotic village at present,we can see the effect of "precision poverty alleviation" in patriotic village from the perspective of social pl anning mode.By summarizing the practice of precision poverty alleviati on in Patriotic Village,this paper puts forward the path of "precision po verty alleviation" in Patriotic Village in the future.For the present patriot ic village,it is impossible to return to the former central position,so p atriotic village to accept the fact of poverty,through We can set up a catch-up route to solve the problem of public service in Patriotic Villag e,solve the problem of basic production needs in Patriotic Village by u pgrading agricultural production modernization,making it convenient and promoting the development of animal husbandry,and set up a mutual aid group for the elderly to deal reasonably with the problems of cavit ation and aging.This study provides a new perspective for the analysis of the problem of "precision poverty alleviation" in China and its causes.It has certain theoretical guiding significance for the specific path of social work intervention in "precision poverty alleviation" in China,and also has certain reference value and practical significance for other villages und er the strategy of "precision poverty alleviation" at present.
Keywords/Search Tags:social planning model, targeted poverty alleviation, way, Withdrawal of township and town, social work
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