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Impact Of Rural-household Differentiation On Farmland Transfer Behavior

Posted on:2019-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330566479918Subject:Land Resource Management
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Since the beginning of the 21 st century,with the advance of farmland transfer policy,the farmland circulation market in China has developed gradually.In order to promote the development of farmland circulation,the central and local governments have introduced a series of institutional policies.However,these policies may not reach the expectation.The rate of farmland circulation in China increased from 2.9 percent in 1992 to 35.1 percent in 2016.But in terms of quality,the lack of farmland production conditions and the low level of farmland circulation standardization and the weak stability of farmland transfer property have exposed the shortage of farmland circulation quality supply.There is a structural contradiction in farmland circulation between supply and demand,which mainly manifests oversupply and insufficient supply periodically.It is the policy supply which ignored the real demand of farmers that caused the contradiction between supply and demand of farmland circulation.Farmland circulation policy prefers quantity to quality.It neglects the multiple demand of the production factor reconfiguration of peasant households in the process of social and economic transformation.And it dissimilates the legitimate demand of capital appreciation in the process of market development.It also deviates from the strategic demand for promoting large-scale agricultural and enhancing agricultural competitiveness of the government.Therefore,this paper selected rural households which was the mainstay of farmland circulation as the research object,followed the logical framework of "Rural households demand-Type differentiation-Transfer behavior-Balance between supply and demand",studied the demand difference and decision rationality of rural households differentiation,discussed the impact of rural-household differentiation on farmland transfer behavior which included participation choice and scale choice and pattern choice,analyzed the balance between supply and demand of farmland circulation.The conclusion had great significance to promote marketable farmland transfer behavior and optimize the supply and demand structure of farmland circulation and promote supply-side structural reform of agriculture.This paper selected Rongchang District of Chongqing city and Guanghan city of Sichuan Province as the study sample area,collected 940 effective household samples from 27 villages in 11 towns by the method of questionnaire and case interview.Based on the theory of farmland circulation and the hierarchy of needs theory,940 survey samples were divided into four types: self-sufficiency rural households(type I)and semiworking rural households(type II)and agricultural professional rural households(type III)and citizenization rural households(type IV).The research also compared resource endowment and the hierarchies of needs and decision rationality between four types.Secondly,this dissertation built the theoretical framework of farmland transfer behavior analysis based on Prospect Theory,which considered the complicacy of hierarchies of needs and transfer behavior.With the STATA 14.0 software,the Heckman two stage models and multivariate linear regression least square model were applied to study the motivation and influencing factors of circulation behavior of four types.Next,this paper analyzed the farmland transferors' pattern choice and the influencing factors by the Binary logistic regression models.Finally,the benefit gambling process and matching results of supply and demand were analyzed theoretically between transfer-in households and transfer-out households.And the problems and reasons of farmland transfer supply and demand were analyzed empirically with the survey data of transfer-in households and transfer-out households from the perspective of quantity and quality.With the analysis of the policy impact,there were some policy suggestions of imbalance between farmland circulation supply and demand.The main conclusions of this paper were as follows:(1)Due to the constraints of resource endowment,different types of farmers presented obvious differences in the demand level of farmland circulation.Based on farmers' rational theory,Demand-Level Theory and relevant economic theory,the research divided the main motivation needs of farmers' behavioral decision-making into three levels: basic type,improved type,and development type.For different levels,the paper selected four types of indicators such as the willingness of man-land relations,the use of labor resources,the use of land resources,and the use of financial resources,to conduct cluster analysis on farmers,and divided type I(336 households),type II(419 households),type III(62 households)and type IV(123 households),accounted for 35.70%,44.60%,6.60% and 13.10% respectively.Different types of rural households had different levels of main demands,resulting to the different farmland disposal practices.From the perspective of the ratio of farmland circulation,the proportion of type III(100%)and type IV(100%)is the highest,followed by type II(74.22%),type I(57.44%).From the perspective of the transfer-in farmland proportion,the list of various types of households' proportion was: type III(100%)> type I(30.06%)> type II(27.21%).The proportion of farmland transfer-out from the largest to the smallest was as follows: type IV(100.00%)> type II(56.32%)> type I(36.39%).(2)For the households with different levels of main demand,the family characteristics,farmland endowment,and farmland circulation environment and circulation price had different influences on the farmland circulation behavior.For family characteristics,factors such as the scale of farmland transfer-in of the type I households had a positive impact on the family labors,and the households of type III did the opposite.The higher the family dependency ratio was,the more the type I households tended to transfer the farmland,and the larger the type IV households' farmland was transferred out.The scale of transfer-in farmland of the Type III households and type IV households increased with the number of permanent workers,while that of households of type II.And the larger the number of permanent peasants was,the more the type I households tended to transfer farmland in,and the larger the scale of transfer-in farmland of the type II and type IV households.With the increase in the proportion of non-agricultural income,the type I households were more inclined to transfer farmland out,and the scale of transferout farmland of the type IV households was even greater.Also,the scale of transfer-in farmland of the type II households was smaller.The number of household social security participants and the number of households participating in rural insurance had a positive effect on the scale of farmland transfer-out households like type I and type II.In the same way,the scale of farmland transfer-out households of type IV increased with the increase in the number of households participating in rural insurance.From the perspective of farmland endowment,the higher the degree of fragmentation of cultivated land was,the more households of type I tended to transfer farmland and the greater the scale of transferout farmland,and the more type II households tended to transfer,but the smaller the transfer scale was.And the smaller the type IV households' farmland was transferred out.When the basic conditions for farming were poor,the type I households tended to transfer farmland out and transfer large-scale farmland.Similarly,the type II households tended to turn farmland out.When the basic conditions for farming were poor,the households of type I and type II tended to transfer farmland out,and the former transferred to a largerscale farmland.Judging from the conditions for the transfer of farmland,the scale of farmland of the type I households who were guided by the grassroots was large whether the farmland was transfer-in or transfer-out.And the scale of farmland transfer-in households of type I,type II,and type III all increased with the increase in the number of years of circulation.From the perspective of circulation price,the circulation price had a positive effect on the scale of farmland transfer-out households of type II and type IV,and the scale of transfer-in farmland of the type III households.The selection of agricultural land circulation mode was a systematic and comprehensive decision made by farmers based on the characteristics of each subject,such as the transaction subject,process and results of their market transactions.Factors influencing households' transfer of farmland for renting and share options included three aspects: family characteristics of farmer households,circulation of farmland,and benefits of farmland circulation.There were five variables having a positive in influence on the farmland transferors' choice of sharing pattern and a negative influence on renting pattern,which were the peasant worker number of a household,the scale of farmland circulation,the organization of farmland circulation,the time of farmland circulation and the price of farmland circulation.(3)In terms of quantity and quality of farmland circulation,there were structural contradictions between oversupply and excessive demand.The principal contradiction was the disequilibrium between high-grade supply and key demand.From the perspective of transfer-in households,the matching degree between current scale and demand was calculated that type II did the best with 100 percent,and type I and type III were followed,with the percent of 98.75 and 41.94.For quality,the matching degrees between farmland condition and demand were listed by type II,type I and type III,with the degree of 100%,91.25% and 16.13%.The proportion of households who would like to transfer in farmland was listed by type III(96.77%)> type I(48.75%)> type II(34.21%).From the perspective of transfer-out households,the proportion of households who was willing to transfer out farmland was listed by type IV(98.63%)> type II(86.75%)> type I(79.13%).And for the aspect of farmland quality,65.75 percent households of type IV transferred out the farmland with better condition,and the households of type II(55.98%)and type I(51.30%)were followed.The proportion of households who transfer out farmland to new management entity was listed by type II,type I and type IV,which the percent reached 90.60%,90.43% and 80.82%.The farmland demand of type I and type II households were easy to satisfied,and the households of type III were in need of farmland both in the respect of quality and quantity.At the same time,farmland transferring from the households of type IV showed a better condition,with a low degree of matching with the new management entity.In conclusion,the structural contraction presented that the supply exceeded the demand,which means the scale of farmland transferred in by households of type I and type II was far more than the actual demand.On the other hand,the farmland demand of transfer-in households,especially the new management entity,could not be satisfied.Farmland basic condition,transfer standardization and property rights stability could not meet the demand in the broad sense.However,between the gambling of strong subject and disadvantaged one,the farmland circulation policy preferred to meet the interests of the government and market,in spite of the farmers' actual need.Therefore,the need of rural households should be identified accurately to distinguish the high quality participants between the supply and demand.From the aspect of farmers,government and market,we should optimize the environment and marketization of farmland circulation.Equally,the quality of farmland circulation should be promoted based on the perspective of farmland condition,circulation standardization and stable farmland property.
Keywords/Search Tags:farmland circulation behavior, demand level, the type of household, the model of Heckman, supply and demand
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