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A Comparative Study Of Two Agricultural Machinery Purchase And Filling Policies Based On Payoff Matrix

Posted on:2020-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330575490871Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the vigorous promotion of the agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy throughout the country,China's agricultural mechanization process has achieved great results.The implementation of this policy not only mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers to purchase and use agricultural machinery and equipment,but also explored a new path for the government departments at all levels to safeguard national interests and enhance the interests of farmers.Therefore,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study how the agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy is more rational and effective.Agricultural machinery purchase subsidy is a comprehensive policy,and the scope involved is relatively large.Agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy,namely direct subsidy and indirect subsidy,analyzing the two operation scheme is the key of this paper.The regional characteristics and implementation of the two subsidy methods are implemented.inferior.This paper first introduces the research background and significance of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy,summarizes,analyzes and evaluates the domestic and foreign literature on agricultural machinery purchase subsidies,and then explains the research content,research methods,innovations and deficiencies.The definition and theoretical basis of the relevant concepts are then explained.This paper introduces the definitions of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies,farmers and agricultural machinery manufacturers,and sorts out the basic theory of farmer behavior theory and behavioral economic theory,and pays for farmers,manufacturers and local governments under different subsidy operation modes.Matrix analysis lays the theoretical foundation.Subsequently,the implementation of the subsidy policy for agricultural machinery purchase is briefly described.The policy implementation plan is divided into direct subsidy scheme that directly subsidizes farmers,directly reduces the purchase cost of farmers,and uniformly subsidizes the production and sales of agricultural machinery,and reduces the sales price of agricultural machinery.An indirect subsidy program to reduce the cost of purchasing households.Introduce the implementation plan of this policy and the development of agricultural machinery power in 22 provinces across the country,explain how the Fujian Province and Heilongjiang Province implement the national agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy,and focus on the implementation of different implementation plans of Heilongjiang and Fujian.The level of agricultural mechanization and the amount of machinery and equipment in the twoprovinces,analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two programs.The paper focuses on the analysis of the purchase behavior of farmers,agricultural machinery manufacturers and government three parties under different types of subsidy programs,and then analyzes the focus of the three-party game under different programs.According to the game behaviors of farmers,agricultural machinery manufacturers and local governments in different types of subsidy schemes,firstly,by analyzing the economic behavior choices of the three,the payment matrix of the farmer's purchase behavior game is obtained,and the stable equilibrium point is obtained through calculation.Analyze and compare the stable equilibrium points under the two schemes,and obtain the research conclusions.The direct subsidies for agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policies can promote the cooperation between farmers,manufacturers and local governments,and analyze how to promote the two subsidies to achieve their respective stable equilibrium points.Benefits and social benefits,as well as some problems that are prone to occur in the process of behavior selection,and propose relevant policy recommendations accordingly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy, Direct subsidy, Indirect subsidy, Game
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