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Pricing Strategy Of Closed-loop Supply Chain Under Dual Channel Sales And Different Recycling Modes When Information Is Asymmetric

Posted on:2020-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330590962103Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the era of environmental protection and reducing energy consumption,once again and again in the government work report,recycling waste products is an important part of environmental protection.The recycling of used products is more complicated than the sales of new products,thus creating some new problems.This paper looks at and studies recycling activities as a whole in a closed-loop supply chain and builds a closed-loop supply chain scenario with dual-channel sales and multiple recycling models.The closedloop supply chain is dominated by manufacturers as a leader,retailers or third parties in different recycling situations.The recycler is composed of followers.The pricing strategy of closed-loop supply chain is obtained under the condition of information symmetry and asymmetry,and the influence of information asymmetry on the closed-loop supply chain pricing strategy is analyzed.The information asymmetry studied in this paper is a misrepresentation of the unit operating costs of recycling waste products by different recycling entities entrusted by the manufacturer.During the analysis,it was found that when the dual-channel sales retailer recycles the waste product,the retailer falsely reports that the operating cost of the recycled waste product unit will reduce the price of the retailer recycling the used product,and the manufacturer recycles the waste product from the retailer.The price increases and the recycling of used products is reduced.In the case of dual-channel sales manufacturers and retailers co-recycling,dual-channel sales manufacturers and third-party recyclers to jointly recover,the analysis found that in both cases,retailers and third-party recyclers falsely report the recycling of used products Operating costs will also reduce the price of their respective recycled waste products,and the increase in the price of recycling of used products by indirect channels.This will result in lower recycling of indirect recycling channels for retailers and third-party recyclers.The amount of direct recycling channels increased.Through the comparison of the pricing strategies of information symmetry and information asymmetry,it is found that regardless of the kind of recycling method,the behavior of falsely reporting the operating cost of recycling waste products will increase the profit of the false reporter,reduce the profit of the manufacturer,and provide closedloop supply.The total profit of the chain is reduced,resulting in a reduced efficiency of the closed-loop supply chain system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Closed-loop supply chain, information asymmetry, game theory, false report
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