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Mozi on warfare: A critical analysis of Mohist military thought

Posted on:2009-01-11Degree:M.S.SType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Crookes, Geoffrey PeterFull Text:PDF
Studies on Mozi (470-391 BCE) and his philosophical school neglect the military content of his teachings. Yet almost one third of the text which documents his thought is specifically dedicated to military affairs. This neglect distorts our understanding of Mohism and strips Mohism of its essential military character. To remedy this, the neglected military chapters of the Mozi were analyzed in this study, and the content and character of Mohist military thought were brought forth. The Seven Military Classics of ancient China were also analyzed for content to establish an understanding of contemporary Chinese military thought. The results of these analyses show that Mohist military thought is founded on a highly intellectual strategic understanding of warfare that is consistent with both Mohist sociopolitical philosophy and the fundamentals of the Chinese military classics. Consequently, the military genius of Mozi is unveiled.
Keywords/Search Tags:Military
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