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A case study of curricula design and teaching strategies for educating tomorrow's new media artists

Posted on:2010-01-10Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Concordia University (Canada)Candidate:Freire, ManuelleFull Text:PDF
This study investigates the curricula of three studio-based courses in an undergraduate Computation Arts program, and examines how the instructors implement the curricula. I analyzed the courses' structure and content, I interviewed the instructors and conducted an in-class observation: in one of the courses. Central to this examination are the pedagogical objectives and teaching strategies' adopted to articulate the three headings of new media art education: the technical expertise in multiple tools, the critical and analytical discourse and the rapidly evolving technology and new media theory. I found - that although the teachers are building on traditional models of art education, they also incorporate into their pedagogical practices the processes of media production and consumption that are defining the contemporary new media art paradigm. The findings were juxtaposed to the ideas of educators who write about the development and adoption of new directions for training artists in the necessary skills to engage effectively with the future technological and cultural change.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, New, Curricula
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