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Research On The Mediating Mechanism Of The Influence Of Public Service Motivation On Individual Work Performance Of Grass-roots Civil Servants

Posted on:2021-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306119471204Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The implementation of government policies depends on grass-roots civil servants.In order to build a service-oriented,innovation-orientedand responsibility-oriented government,they have to act positively to feat public interest.Their individual job performance level not only affects the governance efficiency of the grass-roots government,but also affects the grassroots people's trust and satisfaction to the government.Unlike corporate employees,the nature of public sector work requires them to have enough public service motivation.This intrinsic motivation is an important internal driving force for servants,which is dominated by altruism,has been widely proved to be an important motivation to stimulate the public service-oriented initiative.The promotion effect of public service motivation on job performance has been widely confirmed,but its internal mechanism has not been determined.However,under the current grass-roots political circumstances,the current situation that "grass-roots civil servants learning the documents,do the work,however supervised and be accountable for their initiative" makes the grass-roots civil servants feel frequent and continuous pressure experience,showing different levels of job burnout,and this negative emotional experience is count against the development of civil servants' psychological behavior ?On the basis of systematically review on the research literatures of public service motivation,job burnout,proactive behavior and work performance at home and abroad,this study makes assumptions about the relationship mechanism between public service motivation,job burnout,proactive behavior and individual job performance.On this basis,a theoretical model is put forward to explore the mediating mechanisms underlying the relationship between public service motivation and work performance among grass-roots civil servants in which public service motivation is an independent variable,job performance is a dependent variable,,and proactive behavior serve as chain mediating variables.By means of convenient sampling.We conducted a questionnaire survey and collected 282 grass-roots civil servants' data.We use the Bootstrap mediating analysis method to test whether public service motivation affects the individual job performance through chain mediation mechanism.The results showed that job burnout and proactive behavior play an chain mediating effect between the relationships of public service motivation andindividual job performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:public service motivation, job burnout, proactive behavior, individual job performance
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