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Research On The Teaching Design Of The Implementation Of The Teaching Design Of Lide Shuren In Junior High School Mathematics And Algebra

Posted on:2022-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306482492454Subject:Subject teaching
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A country without virtue would not prosper;a man without virtue would not stand.The 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated: "We must fully implement the Party’s education policy,carry out the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue,develop quality-oriented education,promote fairness in education,and train socialist builders and successors who are well developed morally,intellectually,physically and aesthetically.It shows that the state attaches great importance to the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue,so how to carry out the basic task of moral education in mathematics is an urgent problem for the current mathematics education circle to study.Part number and algebra is an important part of the compulsory education stage mathematics curriculum,the subject content including number and type,equations and inequalities,functions,three plates,by studying the relevant content of this part of,can help students set up patriotic feelings,cultivate the rigorous way of thinking,realize the unity of opposites of dialectical materialism viewpoint and the view of scientific development,Fully excavating the moral value of this theme content is of great significance to the quality development of students.In this paper,through literature analysis,investigation method and case analysis,firstly reviews the connotation of khalid ents,number and algebra,clear the requirement of the middle school mathematics teaching content,and on the basis of the subject of "number and algebra" theme content of moral education value analysis,and then in the survey of students and teachers understanding of khalid ents and the degree of penetration khalid ents in the mathematics teaching,on the basis of Through reading and thinking about relevant literature,this paper makes a teaching case of implementing moral education in mathematics and algebra in junior middle school,hoping to provide some reference for implementing moral education in mathematics teaching in middle school.This paper is divided into seven parts,the main contents are as follows:1.first,the background and significance of the topic selection are clarified.2.define the relevant concepts and summarize the research results of the present research on the people of ledeshu at home and abroad.3.the purpose,content and method of the study are determined.4.the paper expounds the content requirements of mathematics moral education in middle school,and analyzes the moral value of the subject from the point of view of mathematics moral education.5.according to the infiltration of ledeshu people in the middle school mathematics teaching and the students and teachers’ understanding of the people,the questionnaire survey and data analysis are carried formulate the teaching cases of establishing the students with virtue in junior middle school mathematics teaching.7.based on the research results of this paper,the problems that need to be further solved are put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lide Shuren, middle school mathematics teaching, instructional design, mathematics and algebr
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