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Research On The Quality Assurance Of Postgraduate Training For Non-sports Majors In Higher Physical Education Colleges

Posted on:2022-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306488970049Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the primary channel for cultivating high-level talents,postgraduate education is the embodiment of the comprehensive competitiveness of postgraduate training units such as universities and research institutes,and is the key to the improvement of the country's comprehensive national strength.Postgraduate education in my country started late but has developed rapidly.With the further expansion of its scale,quality problems have begun to emerge one after another.How to ensure the quality of postgraduate training has become the focus of heated discussion.Since the restoration of postgraduate enrollment and the implementation of the degree system,postgraduate education in higher physical education colleges has grown from scratch and has developed in a comprehensive direction.In the postgraduate professional setting,it has gradually broken through the restrictions of the first-level discipline of physical education under the category of education,and expanded to literature and science.Management,Medicine,Pedagogy,Psychology and other first-level disciplines under the pedagogy category.However,at this stage,my country is still in the initial stage of exploring the comprehensive development of single-discipline colleges.Looking at the current comprehensive evaluation of the quality of non-physical graduate students in sports colleges and universities from all walks of life,it is not difficult to find that their scientific research ability and practical ability The innovation ability cannot meet the needs of the country and society.To change this status quo,the focus of research should be on the system and mechanism of higher education personnel training.So this article takes the cultivation quality of postgraduates in non-sports majors as the entry point,and follows the logical clues of“finding problems based on the status quo,finding the causes based on the problems,and analyzing the causes to explore solutions”,and multi-dimensional analysis of core issues related to the quality of postgraduate training.On the basis of consulting and analyzing literature data,this research is based on the theory of total quality management and stakeholder theory,and is based on the typical representative Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,Tianjin Institute of Physical Education and other traditional single-disciplinary higher sports.Colleges and universities are the research objects.Through questionnaire surveys,interviews and other empirical analysis research methods,for non-sports major masters,tutors,related employers and other subjects,from the professional construction and non-sports master graduate training quality assurance mechanism construction,etc.,Dig out the status of its cultivation and explore the key factors affecting its cultivation quality.The results show that the enrollment scale of non-physical masters in higher physical education colleges is expanding,but many professional development resources are limited and development opportunities are insufficient,and they are facing the embarrassment of being ignored,marginalized,adjusted or even abolished.Coupled with the lack of attention,colleges and universities are in a transitional period of education,and the training quality assurance system is not sound enough.To a certain extent,the overall quality of non-physical masters is far lower than that of the same school's competitive key disciplines,resulting in lack of employment and professionalism.A vicious circle of unsatisfactory construction effects;in the construction of the quality system for training,there are imperfect enrollment systems,professional construction,unreasonable curriculum settings,incomplete tutoring systems,unbalanced educational and teaching resources such as funds,inadequate student supervision,and quality assessment models Many problems,such as unscientific,seriously restrict the improvement of the quality of postgraduate training.Finally,based on the above-mentioned existing problems,based on the results of empirical analysis and the advanced experience of many universities at home and abroad,and based on the theory of multicenter governance,we propose the feasibility of promoting the practical improvement of the quality of non-sports major masters in sports colleges in my country.Strategies to provide specific countermeasures and plans for the reform of postgraduate education in sports colleges.From the perspective of internal guarantees: First,pay attention to curriculum reform and professional construction,rationally increase and decrease non-physical master's majors,and encourage cross-integration of non-sports majors and sports;second,optimize the teaching staff and implement the mentor responsibility system;third,improve the supervision mechanism,Promote graduate students' diversion and exit mechanism;Fourth,create an academic atmosphere and cultivate graduate students' awareness of scientific research and innovation.From the perspective of external guarantee analysis: one is to encourage multiple parties to participate in supervision and evaluation,and to rationally view the results of the evaluation;the second is to strengthen the government's awareness of "delegation,management,and service",and to give colleges and universities the autonomy to run schools;the third is to use market regulation mechanisms to optimize the graduate education market.Through both internal and external effective ways,it helps higher sports colleges to improve the core issues of the quality of non-sports major master's training,so as to form a paradigm reference,so as to provide reference for my country's single-disciplinary colleges and universities to achieve integration,so as to better meet Social development needs to enhance our country's core competitiveness of talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:sports colleges and universities, non-sports majors, postgraduates, training quality, guarantee mechanism
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