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Research On Family Education Guidance Strategy Of Middle School Head Teacher’s Tired Students ——A Case Study Of H School In Changchun

Posted on:2022-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306614971919Subject:Journalism and Media
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,middle school students’ Weariness of learning has gradually become a common problem.Family is an important force for the transformation of tired students.To help the parents of tired students have correct educational ideas and effective educational methods,the family education guidance of middle school head teachers is particularly important.Therefore,taking the Junior Middle School Department of H school as an example,this study investigates the Junior Middle School Department of H school by using the methods of literature research,questionnaire and interview.The survey results show that there are many problems in the family education guidance of students who are tired of junior middle school head teachers.For example,the purpose of head teachers’ guidance is utilitarian,the content of guidance is one-sided,the way of guidance is too dependent on formalization and lack of pertinence,and the professionalism of guidance needs to be strengthened.It is found that the main reason for the lack of initiative and management of class teachers is the lack of initiative and management of students.Therefore,the head teacher should update the guiding concept and focus on the all-round development of tired students;Improve the guidance mode and combine "Online + offline";Based on the family characteristics,highlight the dominant position of the parents of tired students;Seek mufti-party support and practice the guiding action of "long-term service".
Keywords/Search Tags:junior middle school head teacher, tired student, family education guidance
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