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A Study On The Use Of The "Window Of Learning And Thinking" Section In The Unified High School History "Outline Of Chinese And Foreign History

Posted on:2022-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the unified high school history textbook "Chinese and foreign history outline" put into use one after another in the country,the content of high school history textbook has been changed and upgraded,and the content of the auxiliary column of the text has been enriched.As one of the auxiliary sections,the "Window of Learning and Thinking" section is more profound and instrumental in the arrangement of content and the setting of questions than the past versions.It has a more unique role in supporting teaching and leading thinking.In this paper,the basic information,status and function,implementation principles and strategies,exploration and application of the "Window of Learning and Thinking" section are described.First,the first chapter introduces the basic overview of the unified high school history textbook "Outline of Chinese and Foreign History" and the form and characteristics of the "Window of Learning and Thinking" column.The second chapter explains the status of the "Windows of Learning and Thinking" section,which can continuously pursue the material to highlight the theme,connect with the important and difficult points of the curriculum,deepen thinking,and assist teachers in creating problematic situations and cultivating core literacy in history,and also explains that the "Windows of Learning and Thinking" section It also explains the function of the "Window of Learning and Thinking" section in facilitating students' independent inquiry learning,increasing the authority of teachers' use of materials,and developing students' historical thinking skills.Chapter 3 presents the principles of orientation,selectivity,and accuracy that should be followed in using the "Windows of Learning and Thinking" section in the form of examples and the teaching strategies that should be used to analyze historical details,develop core literacy,supplement the content of the selected section,and dig deeper into the essence of the problem.In Chapter 4,through actual cases to show how to use the "Learning and Thinking" column,and according to the "Learning and Thinking" column in the teaching after,how to better teaching,proposed to explore the theme and column relationship,condensed teaching intention,with other The "Window of Learning and Thinking" column is a reflection on how to teach better after the teaching,so as to investigate the relationship between the theme and the column,refine the teaching intention,cooperate with other columns,create teaching situations and play the role of students' subjectivity,and build a knowledge system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unified high school history textbook, "Learning and Thinking" column, history teaching
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