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Research On Marx’s Space Production Theory And Its Practical Significance

Posted on:2023-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2556307031993649Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Space is the element of all social practice activities of human beings.As a kind of material production,space production not only exists as the condition of production,but also exists as the purpose of production.The world today is in the context of the unprecedented changes of the century.The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic is intertwined,and world multi-polarization and economic globalization has undergone profound changes.The use and occupation of space and the establishment of a reasonable spatial pattern has become the core issues of this era.Many Western scholars argue that there is a "missing area" in Marx’s study of space,but in fact,Marx’s exploration of spatial production is based on the spatial practices of capitalist industrial production in the 19 th century.Marx focused his profound vision on human space production,regarded space production as general material production,and explained the huge role that space production played in the capitalist era from the perspective of social practice.Marx critically exposed the "exploitation" of the capitalist economic process.The capitalist market economy is not self-sufficient,it depends on various background conditions.It obtains the world market through spatial expansion,using urban and rural space for production,ruthlessly extracts nature and allows it to provide material materials for free;it ruthlessly squeezes society and makes laborers the target of exploitation;it ruthlessly extracts the country and makes it cheap dumping market for manufactured goods to accumulate capital.However,these conditions are inherently fragile and contain opposing forces.When capital plunders them to a certain extent,threatening their own reproductive capacity,the capitalist market economy loses the possibility of self-sufficiency.This thesis is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction,which mainly studies the research background and significance of Marx’s space production theory,and interprets the era value of Marx’s space production from two levels of theory and practice.Secondly,it introduces the interpretation and research status of space production at home and abroad,as well as the relationship between space production research carried out by domestic and foreign scholars from different perspectives and methods and Marx’s theory of space production,whether it is inherited,reflected or criticized.It shows that Marx is an important theoretical element of "space production".The second part revolves around the related concepts of Marx’s theory of spatial production,namely space,production,spatial production and capital spatial,and elaborates on Marx’s specific spatial pattern of social space refraction,revealing capital from the perspective of practical materialism of mystery.The third part expounds the ideological origin and formation background of Marx’s theory of space production.Marx analyzed the origin of human perceptual activity space from the atomic deflection theory,surpassed Hegel’s pure "abstract space",criticized and inherited Adam Smith’s thought on economic division of labor,and laid the foundation for later elaboration.At the same time,the capitalization of space has become the internal logic of capital development,and the capitalist production relations occupying a dominant position in society provide realistic materials for Marx’s critique of space production.The fourth part is the main content and value orientation of Marx’s theory of space production.From a practical point of view,Marx expounded the turning of space production and the influence of excessive space production,and advocated the internal logic of space production beyond capital.The fifth part expounds the practical significance of Marx’s theory of space production.Theoretically,Marx’s theory of spatial production provides an ideological weapon for constructing a critical theory of spatial production in contemporary China,an important supplement to the theoretical logic of historical materialist material production,and a scientific guide for a correct understanding of the spatial development process of human society.From a practical point of view,Marx’s theory of spatial production provides an action guide for the development of China’s new urbanization,a path for the construction of a new dual-cycle development pattern,and a reference for promoting the construction of a community of shared future in cyberspace.
Keywords/Search Tags:Space production, Capital spatial, Social Space, Significance
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