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Research On The Problems And Countermeasures Of Talent Introduction Policy In Jinan Under The Background Of The Transformation Of Old And New Kinetic Energy

Posted on:2023-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F R ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557306617462294Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Looking around the world,the scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform at this stage show a new trend of multi category,multi-disciplinary and group,and are penetrating into many fields such as social economy.In fact,China’s social economy has shifted from the stage of high-speed and sustainable growth to the stage of high-quality promotion.Driven by innovation,development has been advanced in depth,and we have constantly accelerated the cultivation and consolidation of new kinetic energy and the upgrading of old kinetic energy.This is not only the key path to promote the upgrading of the internal structure of economy and society and the upgrading of the real economy and society,but also the key to realize the continuous advancement of high quality.The essential feature of the transformation between old and new kinetic energy is the optimization iteration and replacement of traditional economy by quality economy and efficiency economy.As a living carrier of innovative skills,talents are the source of power to promote the transformation of old and new kinetic energy.Therefore,cities have successively invested in the "human race" war,especially in the second,third and fourth tier cities.At the same time,policy failures such as "Deviation" in talent development and urban strategic planning have emerged,which makes the high-cost talent introduction policies of cities unable to accurately support the transformation of old and new kinetic energy.Taking the transformation of old and new kinetic energy as the background,this paper expounds the current situation of talent introduction policy in Jinan,summarizes the possible influencing factors of talent introduction policy in Jinan combined with relevant theoretical basis,and deeply analyzes the problems existing in the formulation and implementation of talent introduction policy in Jinan under the transformation of old and new kinetic energy by using questionnaire survey method,interview method and comparative analysis method based on Smith model,On this basis,the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.At present,the problems existing in the talent introduction policy of Jinan mainly include the lack of long-term planning,the low transformation rate of introduced talents,the unbalanced structure,the low overall quality,the lack of attraction to talents and so on.The reason lies in the lack of overall planning for talent introduction policy,the lack of innovation in talent introduction policy,the relatively weak foundation of emerging industries,too much attention to short-term economic benefits and inadequate understanding of the demand for high-quality talents.Finally,combined with the main problems and reasons of talent introduction policy in Jinan,and fully drawing on the talent introduction experience of Qingdao,Xi’an and Hangzhou,based on Smith model theory,this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the ability of policy implementation subject,innovate the content of talent introduction policy,strengthen the overall quality of introduced talents and create a good working and living environment for talents from four dimensions.This study will help to comprehensively and deeply understand the current situation and main problems of talent introduction policies of Jinan local government under the background of the transformation of old and new kinetic energy.The countermeasures and suggestions put forward will help Jinan introduce high-quality talents,help the transformation of old and new kinetic energy,and also provide some practical reference for other local governments to introduce talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Replacing Old Growth Drivers with New Ones, Jinan City, Talent Introduction, Talent Policy
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