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Research On The Coupling And Coordinated Development Between The University Science And Technology Park And University Science And Technology Innovation System

Posted on:2024-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z N YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2557307178993179Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The transformation of scientific and technological achievements is the "last mile" of scientific and technological innovation,and the university science and technology park is an important platform and carrier for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities.In the new normal of the economy,no individual exists in isolation.Innovation cannot be separated from cooperation.In the field of scientific and technological innovation,the transformation of scientific and technological achievements cannot be separated from the support of the subjects of various systems.The scientific and technological innovation system of colleges and universities is the provider of scientific and technological achievements.The university science and technology park is the use of technological development and industrialization.There is a collaborative and promoting relationship in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.It reflects that the coupling and coordinated development of the two systems plays an important role in promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities to promote regional economic development.This article analyzes the current status and coupling mechanism(including coupling relationship,operating mechanism and conversion mode)of the coupling and coupling mechanism of the scientific and technological innovation system of the university,and build the coupling collaborative scheduling model of the two systems,analyze the degree of coupling coordination of the two systems and the degree of coupling coordination and the degree of coupling coordination and different time and space differences in various regions,explore how to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities with the coupling of university science and technology parks and universities to improve the efficiency of innovation,and use the GMM model to explore the influencing factors that affect the coupling development of the two systems.The results of the study show that the comprehensive evaluation score of the two systems is generally low,and the gap between the shift gap over time has gradually expanded and presents the characteristics of "the lag of the university science and technology park";The degree of coordination is low,and the coupling coordination of the system is poor;the coupling coordination is rising first and then slower,the space differences gradually narrow;the improvement of degree has a significant impact.Based on the results of empirical research,policies such as promoting the integration of the "five chains",creating a three-dimensional linkage "incubator",increasing government support,and forming virtual alliances and other policy suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:university science and technology park, university scientific and technological innovation, system, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, coupling collaborative scheduling model
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