Not seem as before research, this dissertation's aim is to seek the universal developing law of enterprise institution innovation system regard it as a whole. For so, it contributed to the following:1.First of all, analyzing and considering the "limited rational" and incomplete competing market, etc, is the premise and condition of the study of enterprise institution innovation system. Secondly, constructed a analysis model of the efficient equilibrium, and considered the efficient expect is the key of connecting of enterprises and factors. A enterprise has three kinds of efficiency, so, its institution innovation shows the improvement of its internal and external and basic efficiency.2.First of all, put forward and constructed a enterprise institution innovation system. Secondly, making a comparative analyzing of between market economic institution and planning economic institution, and considering the incentive mechanism of the former is more suitable for enterprise institution innovation system. Thirdly, from the social development of point of view, considering the economic institution, etc, is the influence elements of enterprise institution innovation system; from the enterprise development of point of view, considering the structure of property right, etc, is the influence elements of enterprise institution innovation system.3.First of all, from the international of point of view, analyzedstate-owned enterprise's characteristic and developing trend. Secondly, analyzed the characteristic of modem enterprise institution, and considering, it must combine its universal law with the reform of china's state-owned enterprise in order to bring about reform's success.Based on above conclusion, the author suggests:l.The aim of the reform of china's state-owned enterprise should be to achieve sustained development through institution innovating.2.Adopting measure of china's stated-owned enterprise institution innovation is: (1) It must be establishing a fairly and competing economic institution, in which different ownership enterprises can compete on an equal footing, in order to improve its macro-efficiency. (2) It must be adjusting industrial areas and putting into reasonable division of labor with non-state-owned enterprises in order to improve its industrial efficiency. (3 )It must be constructing self-organizing institution innovation system in order to improve its micro-efficiency.