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A Study Of Value-orientation In China Primary School Language Textbook

Posted on:2003-01-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360092466666Subject:Principles of Education
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Textbook is the materia1 that is specially chosen in certainculture, because "just a limited part in who1e knowledge that can beregarded as legal know1edge, that is 'worth' de1ivering to the nextgeneration" can be se1ected into the textbook. But the editor is a personwho have specia1 value-orientation, represents the benefits of theparticular group. Therefore, the textbook is not only a carrier ofknowedge and skills, but a1so a carrier of social norms, value andpolitical thoughts etc. In other words, textbook is a carrier of knowledge,skills, as well as a carrier of idea1s. Without question, the textbook isnot va1ue-neutral,but bear some value-orientation.Choosing the primary school "Language"textbook (6-years, trial version)which is edi ted and publ ished by People Publishing House and used in largeparts of our country as a sample, this study is going to analyse thevalue-orientation hidden in "Language"textbook, and then try to answerthe followinging questions: What values does the textbook contain?In whatway do those va1ues present in textbook? Why the nation wants to controlthe va1ue-orientation in textbook?How to improve the contents ofvalue-orientation and the way of presenting and so on in ordeer to controleffectively the value-orientation in textbook?The logic of research goes as following. "Introduction"stats thattextbook is a carrier of socia1 main value, a medium of society control,then explains the reasons of selecting primary school Language textbookas a sample, and the meaning and design of this research. Now that thetextbook contains some values, then what values does the textbook contain?To answer this question we need a frame of ana1ysis. So the first partwant to estab1ish a frame of ana1ysis based on former researchers'(inc1uding China and abroad) theories. Naturally, the second part use thisframe to analyze the primary school Language textbook. The 1ast part,based on the sumary of the values of textbook, argue the rationality andnecessity of value-control by nation, and more author put forward somesuggestions to perfect value--control by nation. 0n these grounds, thepaper is made up of 4 parts: Introduction: textbook is the medium of socialcontrol; The value-orientation in textbook: analysis system; Thevalue-orientation in textbook: text analysis; The va1ue-orientation intextbook: consideration and suggestion.Introduction: Textbook: the medium of society controlThe introduction start with analyzing the genius characteristics oftextbook, exp1ain that textbook as a basic means of society control bearsome main socia1 value. Then it gives the basic reasons of choosing primaryschoo1 Language textbook as the sample. Language is a course of basic too1in primary school, but it contains many values, and has various educationfunctions. In addition, Language has the most hours and biggest inf1uencein all course, therefor choosing it as a samp1e wil1 have more practica1value. At 1ast the meaning and design of research wil1 be given.Part 1: The value-orientation in textbook: analysis systemTo ana1yse the va1ue--orientation in textbook, we need a system ofana1ysis first1y. This part set up a practica1 frame of ana1ysis basedon the researches of former scholars such as western scholars, Taiwanesescho1ars and main1and scho1ars. Part 1 is constituted by 4 section: l) Theresearches of the western scholars. Detailed the research process andresu1t of M. F. Young, M. W. App1e, J. Anyon, S. Wa1ker & L. Barton, M. B.Suther1and, G. P. Kel1y & A. S. Nihlen, N. Franzier, M. Sadker, C. E. S1eet & C.A. Grant etc. 2) The researches of the Taiwanese scho1ars. Since 1980s, thescholars of Taiwan, China began to ana1yzing textbook, such as Shandong--1 ian, Wang hao--bo, Wang xue--weng, Cheng bo--zhang, 0u yong--sheng, Huangxheng--jie etc. Among them, Cheng bo--zhang, 0u yong--sheng, Huang xheng--jieare the most notabi lity, so here primari ly detai l th...
Keywords/Search Tags:Value-orientation
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