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On The Ethical Foundations Of Educational Administration

Posted on:2009-05-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B H JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360245457508Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The reality of relatively low researching standard in educational administration theories and the phenomenon of ethics lacking or misusing in its practices determine that we need to further intensify the research on the ethical foundations of educational administration, which is urgent for us not only from the perspective of enhancing the level and quality of educational administration theories, but also from the perspective of improving the poor situation of severely lacking ethical foundations in the present educational administration practices in our country. Based on the above points, I take the research of education administration ethical foundations as my doctorate thesis's topic, and I hope my opinions will be helpful to improve both the educational administration theories and practices through in-depth research on such topic. To put it briefly, the contents of my thesis include: clarifying the connotation and characteristics of educational administration ethical foundations in a scientific way, exploring the interactive relations between education administration and ethics, inquiring the reason why educational administration bases on ethics, certifying what kind of ethics can be foundations of educational administration, revealing the basic moral spirits and ethical principles that need to be followed in educational administration practices, trying to find scientific and progressive ethical foundations for educational administration, analyzing the cause of laking ethical foundations with reference to present educational administration practices in our country, and then putting forward the specific ways of restructuring the ethical foundations of educational administration.With the exception of introduction, this thesis is divided into six chapters, of which the first four chapters are related to theories, and the last two are based on practices. The main topics of each chapter are summarized in the following paragraphs:The first chapter: What are ethical foundations of educational administration? This chapter is based on the understanding of such concepts as educational administration and ethics. I expound the connotation of educational administration ethical foundations, namely, "ethics-oriented mode" or "ethical model" being asked for in educational administration as an effective way of organizing educational activities. Such model or mode is in fact a kind of ethical values system, including the main opinions and standards that can be supportive in educational administration practices. Then I inquire into the unique features of educational administration ethical foundations, holding that it is a unity of education and administration, ideality and reality, relativity and absolutism.The second chapter: Why educational administration is based on ethics. This question is answered from two respects: possibility and necessity. That is to say, on one hand, ethical property makes it possible for educational administration to have ethics as its foundation, on the other hand, the educational value and functions of ethics make it necessary to be foundations of educational administration. The possibility and necessity make common efforts to prove that educational administration practices inevitably need corresponding ethical value system as its support, or we can say it must be established on the foundation of certain ethical pursuits. Besides, I also analyze and discuss the relations between ethical foundations and scientific foundations, ethical foundations and law foundations, ethical foundations and other related foundations of educational administration.The third chapter: What kind of ethics should educational administration be based on? In fact, it is also a question about the ethical standards of educational administration, namely, what ethical concept of value and what ethical principles should educational administration obey. Firstly, I introduce main ethical ideas of two opposite schools on ethics: teleological theories and deontological theories, and reveal their defects respectively. Secondly, I put forward two standards of judging what is moral and what is immoral, namely, humane rule and social rule (the former is the supreme standard of judging, whereas the latter is the embodiment of the former. It centers on it, obeys it and serves it.) I think both the two are unified in human beings' free development, which is the utmost goal according to Marxism. On such basis, I establish foundational ethical standpoint that educational administration should stick to, namely, scientific and progressive ethical standards should be based on human beings' free development. At last, I discuss the ethical principles that educational administration should obey, such as strictly observing humanity, carrying forward democracy, esteeming equality and adhering to public welfare, and prove that by using theories.The forth chapter: Main ethical views of educational administration in western countries and their enlightenment. Through inspecting main western ethical views of educational administration (the ethical views embodied by main western educational administration views), such as educational administration ethical view of scienticism, educational administration ethical view of humanism, educational administration ethical view of natural coherenism, and on the basis of analyzing in detail the defects of main western ethical views, I focus on their important enlightenment to the educational administration in China.The fifth chapter: Reflection on the ethical foundations in our country. Through an in-depth investigation to the present educational administration researching situation in China, I point out that the ethics-lacking in educational administration can be found in the following aspects, incompleteness of humanity, disobedience to democracy, defiance of equality and violation of public welfare. By analyzing the phenomenon in a deep-going way, I find ethics-lacking in educational administration is mainly caused by the influence of negative aspects in traditional culture, the negative impacts of market-based economy, the defects of present educational administration tizhi and the lacking of researches on ethics of educational administration.The sixth chapter: Restructuring the ethical foundations of educational administration in our country. According to the related theories mentioned in previous chapters, and by analyzing the causes of ethics-lacking in educational administration, I put forward the specific Countermeasures and ways of restructuring the ethical foundations, namely, establishing views of subjective educational administration, creating new educational administration tizhi, building educational administrator's personality, push the systematization of educational administration ethics and developing the subject of educational administration ethics.
Keywords/Search Tags:educational administration, ethical foundations, ethical view, ethical principles, reflection, restructuring
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