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Toward a convergent synergy theory of state economic development: An empirical analysis of policy strategies, adoption, and impact

Posted on:2001-10-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Wilson, James JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390014954786Subject:Political science
Since the end of World War II the federal government has pursued a laissez-faire policy toward domestic economic development. This trend has placed the locus of economic activities and decision-making at the doorstep of the states. Consequently, in recent years, the study of state economic development has gained substantial currency and popularity. Many attempts to conceptualize this phenomenon for the purpose of guiding policy have been based on nonempirical, narrowly defined frameworks. Despite the significance of these contributions, the knowledge generated has not always contributed to the field in the form of a coherent research stream and they do not provide a complete explanation for contemporary state economic development issues. In contrast, I integrate academic and popular treatments of state economic development and subject the propositions to more systematic tests.;I explore the theoretical and empirical foundations of state economic development in order to contribute to the development of a general theoretical framework of this phenomenon. My investigation provides evidence that the scope of state development strategies is broader than the conventional two-strategy frameworks. I also found that these development policy strategies significantly influence state economic health. These findings have important implications for facilitating the consolidation of research in this area and informing development policy decision makers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Policy, Development
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