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Research On The Strategy Of International Organizations In China (1992-2020)

Posted on:2021-03-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C DongFull Text:PDF
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With the development of science and technology and the enhancement of interdependence between countries,no country or actor of international relations can solve the problems of its own survival and development on its own.In the field of international relations,sovereign states are still the main body in international relations and the key driver for world development,but the sovereign state is not the only actor in international relations.When sovereign states face global and transnational challenges,the non-state actors--international organizations in international relations will play a bigger role.International organizations have normative values,capacity to coordinate and a platform that can be shared by many,which wins attention from all the major countries in the world.Those countries formulate their own strategies for international organizations in an attempt to maximize their national interests through this platform and strengthen their own power and influence in global affairs.This thesis analyzes the theories related to international organizations from realism,liberalism and constructivism of international relations,and believes the existing international organization theories only provide a basis for analyzing strategies countries used in their engagement in international organizations,but to figure out how a country participates in the operation of international organizations,we need to consider its national power,the relation between international rules and national systems.Based on the concept strategy,grand strategy and national strategy,this thesis makes a simple definition for the strategy of international organizations: the strategy of international organizations is a long-term,systemic plan made by the main international relations actor--sovereign states to maintain and expand their own interests and enhance exchanges with international organizations.It is a way by which based on its national conditions and strength,from the economic,political,military,culture,etc.,a country takes on hitchhiking,positive,negative participation approaches to create a relationship between itself and the international organizations at the global,regional level and national level,with a core mission is to maintain and expand its national interests.The main objective of the international organization strategy can be summarized as promoting the the international rule system to develop in the direction more favorable to a country and enhancing the discourse power of the country in the international organization system.The main content of international organization strategy includes the strategic guiding principles,strategic situation judgment,strategic target hypothesis and strategic effect evaluation.The way to implement the strategy adopted by a country lies on not only the relative strength of the country—the ability to participate in the operation of international organizations,but also the relationship between the country and the existing international order.Based on the specific situation of China's growth and the relationship between China and the international order,this thesis proposes two hypotheses for China's strategic objectives of international organizations.Hypothesis1: China is becoming an important member of many international organizations thanks to its growing strength,increasingly active participation in multilateral diplomacy,the operation of international organizations,and greater commitment to international public goods.However,compared with hegemons and western countries,China is not a leader,so China's strategic goal of international organizations should be to become a leader or dominant player in international organizations.Hypothesis 2:China's reform and opening up,its return to the United Nations and its rise within the international system have made it a defender of the international order,not a challenger.The rules and power distribution of most international organizations are reasonable for China,but China has a relatively low voice in international economic organizations.Therefore,the strategic goal of China's international organizations is to gain more voice at institutional level,instead of challenging and changing the existing international organizations.Based on the above two hypotheses: the growth of national strength determines China's desire to become the leader of international organizations,and the status quo of international order determines China's desire to strengthen its voice at institutional level.This thesis tries to verify the hypotheses from the perspectives of history sorting,status evaluation and future design.As national strength and international order are changing dynamically,so are the objectives and means of China's international organization strategy.Strategic objectives are divided into three categories:revolution-oriented,integration-oriented and dominance-oriented,while strategic means are classified as inactive,active and leading participation.In the analysis of the development of China's international organizations strategies,the thesis divides it history into four different stages: before 1992,1992-2002,2002-2012 and the new era,and finds that the international organization objectives of China gradually transfer from revolution,to integration and to leading international organizational development for the new era;strategic means transfer from non-active participation,to active participation,and to leading participation for development,which is in conformity with the above two hypotheses.This thesis focuses on the assessment of the strategy of China's international organizations in the new era,which is based on the assessment of the strategic situation,strategic guiding principles,the achievement of strategic objectives and the effectiveness of strategic means.In terms of strategic situation judgment,as the world's second largest economy,China has become a world economic powerhouse and is gradually moving towards the leading position in diplomacy.However,some unfavorable factors need to be paid attention to.The strategic guiding principles should be firmly guided by the thought on major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.In terms of the achievement of strategic goals,the strategy of China's international organizations has promoted China's reform and opening-up,enhanced China's international influence and status,and effectively safeguarded and expanded China's national interests.In terms of the implementation of strategic means,non-active participation,active participation and leading participation are the means to realize the strategy of China's international organizations.However,the ultimate goal of China's towards international organizations is to lead international organizations and lead the development of international organizations.Therefore,active participation and leading participation are the main means for China.This thesis puts forward a design for China's international organizations strategy in the new era.The objectives of the China international organization strategy are summarized as two: first,to promote the development of the international rule system in a direction more favorable to China and other developing countries;second,to increase China's institutional voice in the international organization system,try to become a core member in most international organizations that China can participate in,and become a leader in appropriate conditions.As for the choice of strategic means,China should adopt active participation and leading participation,deploy strategic means at global,regional and national levels so as to create a scientific and systematic strategic system of international organizations.
Keywords/Search Tags:International organization strategy, National strength, Institutional discourse power, Responsible power, Path leader
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